OBCs demand representation in LC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 15: The members of the BJP OBC Cell today called on Ramesh Verma and Brahamjyot leaders of BJP OBC Cell and demanded representation to OBCs in J&K Legislative Council.
In a press statement issued here today, the members demanded that MLC seats should be given to OBCs for their proper representation in political setup of the Jammu and Kashmir.
They said that BJP nowadays giving opportunity to newcomers to prime posts but ignored those who were working with the party from long back. They added that MLC seats are only meant for those sections of the society who cannot afford to contest the Assembly thus they must get representation in Legislative Council.
All the speakers and participants appealed the Ramesh Verma and Brahamjyot to take this issue to party High Command so that OBCs must get due share with proper representation in the State in LC.