CEC interacts with 63 students of IFBYL

Excelsior Correspondent

CEC Rigzin Spalbar interacting with students at Leh on Saturday.
CEC Rigzin Spalbar interacting with students at Leh on Saturday.

LEH, Feb 21: A motivational and interactive meet between Chief Executive Councilor LAHDC Leh Rigzin Spalbar and a group of 63 students of IFBYL (International Fellowship of Buddhist Youths Ladakh) winter camp held at Council Secretariat here
CEC briefly talked about the history, monarch, climatic and economic conditions before and after opening up of Ladakh to the tourists in the year 1974. Making stark comparison between hard working but self reliant period to the present period that is becoming more and more reliable on outside sources, CEC stressed on the dire need for having sustainable and land-based economy where there is high potential in land-based opportunities like Pashmina, Sea-buck thorn and apricots other than main stream agricultural practice.
Answering the questions of the students, Spalbar talked about Vision Document 2025; initiatives accomplished and future plans of the Council under his chairmanship and also shared his personal life with the students. Further, he talked about the positive and negative effects of tourism on Ladakh and its people and stressed on the urgent need for preservation and strengthening of identity.
Inspiring them be a good human being, Spalbar advised them to shy away from falling into the depths of bad habits and learn from their own mistakes and thus keep themselves informed and updated. He further advised them to study not to find a job but to learn and gain knowledge.
Earlier, founder and president of IFBYL Tsewang Norbo briefed CEC about the day-long schedule of the camp at Dhamma House Stok and other activities being carried out by this organisation in Ladakh and other parts of the country.