New Legislators call on Governor

JAMMU : In separate meetings, Mr. Shah Mohd. Tantray, MLA Poonch; Mr. Daleep Singh Parihar, MLA Bhaderwah; Mr. Gulzar Ahmad Wani, MLA Shangus; Mr. Abdul Rahim Rather, MLA Kokernag; Mr. Aijaz Ahmad Mir, MLA Wachi; and Syed Farooq Ahmad Andrabi, MLA Dooru, called on Mr. N.N. Vohra, Governor, here at the Raj Bhavan today and put forth various problems relating to their respective Constituencies.

Mr. Tantray, MLA Poonch, apprised the Governor about the need for early establishment of Himalayan Foothill Cement Factory at Chakrara Mandi; provision of blood bank, C.T. Scan and staff strengthening at the Poonch Hospital; devising a Master Plan for Poonch Town; construction of Sultanpathri-Airezal road and development of potential tourist spots alongside this road; establishing mini hydroelectric projects at Loran and Sawjian etc.

Mr. Parihar, MLA Bhaderwah, apprised the Governor about demands relating to inadequate infrastructure and staff strengthening in health, education, P.H.E, Power, and RDD departments; priority focus on development of roads, tourism, agriculture, horticulture, animal and sheep husbandry sectors. He also demanded the establishment of fire service stations for different localities, a degree college at Bhella, two Kendriya Vidyalyas at Bhallessa and Jodhpur (Doda) etc.

Mr. Wani, MLA Shangus, apprised the Governor about demands relating to regular supply of ration, particularly to people brought under “un-covered policy”; repair of various roads and bridges including construction of foot bridge over Nallah Arpat and widening of Thajiwara-Chittegul road; supply of clean drinking water; construction of flood protection bunds from Chaklipora to Danipava for Nallah Arpat and its tributaries, repair of all irrigation canals; separate colleges for girls and boys at Nowgam and Hard Tooru respectively; expediting building completion of Primary Health Centre Chittergul and allopathic dispensary Deethu, early diposal of Old Age Pension cases; expediting work of mini hydel projects at Dardpora and Thimdan, construction of sports stadia at different localities etc.

Mr. Rather, MLA Kokernag; Mr. Mir, MLA Wachi; and Mr. Andrabi, MLA Dooru, apprised the Governor about the difficulties faced by those residing in the remote areas of their Constituencies, the need for time-bound infrastructural development with particular attention to roads, electricity, health, schools and other basic amenities. They also apprised the Governor about their apprehensions relating to the spread of H1N1 Influenza and the need for provision of adequate testing laboratories, anti-flu vaccines and medicines and protection kits for the medical employees and the patients.

The Governor urged all the recently elected Legislators to pursue sustained pursuit of development issues in their respective Constituencies and assured that their demands would be looked into.