Govt to create conducive environment in J&K: Prez

NEW DELHI, Feb 23: President Pranab Mukherjee today said Jammu and Kashmir occupies a place of enormous importance in the agenda of the Government which has endeavoured to create a conducive and enabling environment in the State, especially for various displaced segments of its population.
“Jammu and Kashmir occupies a place of enormous importance  in the agenda of my Government. Government has endeavoured to create a conducive and enabling environment in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, especially for the various displaced segments of its population.    “This includes facilitating the rehabilitation of over 60,000  Kashmiri Pandit families. The Government has taken effective steps in this regard. These include, inter alia, providing Government jobs, economic opportunities and security,” the President said in his address to a joint sitting of both the Houses of Parliament to mark the beginning of Budget Session.
Mr Mukherjee said during the recent unprecedented flood situation  in the State, the Government made special efforts in collaboration with the State Government to minimise the impact of disaster and augment rehabilitation measures. “The nation is deeply indebted to our armed forces and paramilitary forces for the outstanding service rendered during the relief operations to flood-affected people in Jammu and Kashmir,” he added.
He said the Government attaches paramount importance to safeguarding the interest of farmers and families affected by land acquisition. He sought cooperation of MPs in smooth conduct of Parliament where Opposition plans to corner it on the land ordinance.
He said the Government will constantly endeavour for smooth conduct of legislative business and enactment of progressive laws in the Parliament.
Giving no indication of any changes in the Ordinance, which the Opposition parties are opposed to, Mukherjee said “My Government attaches paramount importance to safeguard the interest of farmers and families affected by land acquisition.
“While taking utmost care to protect the interest of farmers, including their compensation entitlements, the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act has been suitably refined to minimise certain procedural difficulties in acquisition of land inevitably required for critical public projects of infrastructure and for creation of basic amenities like rural housing, schools and hospitals, particularly in remote areas.”
The address, which is mandatory at the commencement of the first session every year, lists the steps the Government has taken in the nine months it has been in power for financial inclusion, cleanliness campaign and measures to unearth black money both internally and outside.
Terrorism and Left Wing Extremism posed a grave challenge to the internal security of the nation, the President said and asserted that the government was firmly committed to dealing with these challenges in cohesive collaboration with the affected people and State Governments in a holistic manner.
Mukherjee said while the Government has reinvigorated relations with neighbours,  especially its policy towards South Asian neighbours, he made it clear that “we speak clearly about our interests and are fully prepared to defend our borders and secure our people”.
With clouds of storm hovering over Parliament’s budget session as Government prepares to enact various ordinances into law, Mukherjee said Parliament is the sanctum sanctorum of Democracy and the people have reposed unflinching faith in this institution for fulfilment of their hopes and expectations.
“My Government will constantly endeavour for smooth conduct of legislative business and enactment of progressive laws in the Parliament which reflects the will and aspirations of the people.
“I urge all Members of the Parliament to discharge their solemn responsibility in a spirit of cooperation and mutual accommodation.
“By channelising the patriotic energies of every citizen, we all collectively must work towards building a strong and modern India.  Ek Bharat Shresht Bharat (One India, Best India). Jai Hind,” he said winding up his speech that was heard with rapt attention with occasional thumping of desks.
On economy, the President said India has emerged as the fastest growing large economy with an estimated 7.4 per cent growth rate in 2014-15 and added the Government is taking “decisive measures” to ensure a better future for the people. “A promising future awaits us,” he added.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his Ministerial colleagues, Opposition leaders in both the Houses, former Prime Ministers Manmohan Singh and H D Deve Gowda, Sonia Gandhi and L K Advani were among those seated in the front benches at the Central Hall of Parliament.
Referring to Shyama Prasad Mukherjee’s statement that “the greatest strength of India is her rich spiritual and civilisational heritage,” he said, the core values of Indian civilisation emphasise universal good — welfare of all human beings.
“The fundamental tenet of my Government is ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas’ — All Together, Development of all,” he said, adding within a span of nine months, the government has articulated and embarked on comprehensive strategy for unleashing the full potential of country and precious resource of 125 crore people.
The President listed the measures initiated to stir action in a range of fields from sanitation to smart cities, poverty elimination to creation of wealth, tapping demographic dividend to diplomatic initiatives, enhancing ease of business to putting in place a stable policy framework, ending financial untouchability to making the country a manufacturing hub and containing inflation to stimulating economy to ensure inclusive growth.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Jandhan Yojna to provide universal access to banking facility, the President said the coverage under the scheme has been closed to 100 per cent with a record 13.2 crore new bank accounts being opened, 11.5 crore Rupay debit cards being issued and over Rs 11,000 crore being deposited.
This unprecedented target, he said, was achieved in less than six months, making it the largest such programme globally.
To ensure that the benefits of development programme reach the last intended beneficiary without leakages and impediments, the Direct Benefit Transfer programme is being implemented with renewed vigour.
The biggest direct cash transfer programme in the world ‘PAHAL’ for transfer of LPG subsidy has been extended across the country from January 1 this year covering 75 per cent of the user-households so far.
In all, 35 schemes have been brought under DBT architecture. Special emphasis is attached to make Aadhar enrolment coverage universal.
Referring to the “Swachh Bharat’ mission to achieve a clean and open defecation free India by 2019, Mukherjee said ‘Swachhta’ has a cascading effect on national development and the potential to generate wealth from waste.
“Sanitation and the idea of Swachhta require changing the mindset of people,” he said and appealed to MPs to spend at least 50 per cent of MPLADS funds on Swachh Bharat mission.
The President said the Government is fully committed to expand the job market and promoting the welfare of workers but it is also committed at bringing in transparency and accountability in enforcement of labour related regulations.
“To this end, the Shram Suvidha Portal has been launched to ensure ease of doing business by allowing industry to register online and file a single online return instead of 16 separate returns.
“A transparent online inspection scheme has been launched. Recent amendments to the Apprentices Act, 1961 have made the legal framework friendly to both industry and employable youth,” he said.
The President said legal reforms is one of the priority of the Government which believes that governance and reforms are a combined effort of team India consisting of Parliament, States and the Central Governments, legislatures and people.
“An example of this collaborative effort is the reform in the process of appointment of Judges to the High Courts and Supreme Court and the legislation to set up National Judicial Appointments Commission.
“The Government is also committed to repeal the obsolete and redundant laws. A committee constituted for this purpose has identified 1741 central Acts for repeal under various categories,” he said.
Mukherjee said the Government is committed to taking all possible measures to stop generation of black money, both domestically and internationally.
“These measures include putting in place robust legislative and administrative frameworks, systems and process with due focus on capacity building, integration of information through technology, and fast tracking prosecution,” the President said.
Mukherjee cited Government’s sustained efforts and series of policy initiatives to attain a high growth trajectory.
According to the latest estimates, our GDP is growing at 7.4 per cent, which makes India the fastest growing large economy in the world. Inflation and Food inflation, in particular, are at a record low due to a number of decisive measures taken by the government, he said.
Mukherjee said fixed capital formation, which faced a near stagnation in the last few years, has increased.
“Capital Markets are upbeat. Our external sector is now far more resilient, particularly with a moderate current account deficit and a broadly stable rupee. Our foreign exchange reserves have been substantially augmented,” he said.
Mukherjee said the Government has intensified efforts to bring greater efficiency and equity into the tax system, “prudence in expenditure management is also high on the agenda.”
A Constitutional (Amendment) Bill has been introduced to bring in Goods and Services Tax that will simplify the indirect tax regime, broaden the tax base and result in better tax compliance, the President said.
Talking about reforms in the petroleum sector, the President said the price of petrol has also been decreased.
The Government has put to rest all speculation regarding the long pending issue of revising gas prices and put in place a prudent policy in national interest, he said.
The Centre is also accelerating the modernisation of armed forces, with a strong emphasis on “Make in India” in defence acquisition plans, he said.
Mukherjee said maximum governance minimum Government is the guiding principle of the government.
While introducing stricter and sterner measures to deal with corruption, effort is being made to ensure that sufficient safeguards are in place to protect bona fide decisions taken in public interest and to inspire confidence in the civil service, he said.
“Measures are being taken to accomplish digital inclusion in rural areas, small towns, north-east and other remote areas, opening up immense job opportunities in these areas. Promoting manufacturing of electronic goods has been an area of thrust,” the President said. (PTI)