Infiltration bids continue

Pakistan is in no mood either to stop infiltration of terrorists across LoC and International Border into our side or to put an end to the violation of Cease fire agreement of 2003. A statement on ground situation along LoC and IB has been made by the Defence Minister and the Minister of State in the Home Ministry. They were replying to questions in the Rajya Sabha. Amusingly, the MOS also made a mention of infiltration along Indo-Bangladesh border in the east. A look at the number of infiltration bids made along Indo-Bangladesh border during past three years reveals that more bids have been made on the eastern border than on the western border. For example in the first month of this year, 86 cases of infiltration were reported along Indo-Bangla border and four such cases along Indo-Pakistan border. However, the MOS did not clarify whether infiltration bids along Indo-Bangla border were made by jihadis and terrorists or by unarmed civilians who generally look for greener pastures. As far as infiltration from Pak side is concerned, they are all jihadi terrorists despatched by notorious anti-India terrorist organization called Lashkar-e-Toiba meaning the Legions of the Puritans.
Our security forces, army along the LoC and BSF along International Border, retaliate adequately whenever there is firing and shelling from Pakistan side. Notwithstanding that, we have been repeatedly drawing the attention of Pakistani authorities to the violation of the Ceasefire Agreement of 2003 and emphasizing upon them the senselessness of wanton destruction of innocent human lives. During last eight months, firing from Pakistani side along LoC and IB in J&K has resulted in the death of 24 people, including eight security forces personnel on our side. There have also been human losses on Pakistan side and perhaps more than ours. Unfortunately, there is no relent in violation of cease fire from Pakistani side and we are forced to retaliate.
Despite unprovoked firing and shelling from Pakistan on our border villages and specific targets, we have been trying to reduce the tension through various mechanisms like hot line contacts, flag marches and weekly talks between Directorate Generals of Military Operations. These efforts sometimes bear positive results but more often these do no help. Pakistan wants to keep the pot boiling with the purpose of diverting the attention of her people from escalating grave internal situation. The main motive behind firing is to provide cover to the infiltrators who camp close to the LoC and are waiting in wings to sneak in and not get detected by the Indian security forces that the Pakistani army keeps engaged in cover fire. This has been the regular feature of infiltration into Kashmir and more recently along IB. What has Pakistan achieved through these hostile tactics is what the leadership of the infiltrating groups should consider. Logic says that they are simply sending their youth to get decimated at the border without being able to achieve anything in Kashmir.
It may be said that firing, shelling and infiltration across the LoC in J&K and the IB from Pakistani side have become a regular feature and part of Indo-Pak relations in hostility. It is simply unfortunate because besides straining relations on permanent basis, it has become a source of great threat to innocent civilian lives on both sides of the dividing lines. One wishes that good sense prevails among Pakistani rulers and they understand the need of living in peace and harmony. Since that humanistic approach is altogether absent, we are left with no alternative but to give them a befitting reply. However, as the Defence Minister has said, at the moment there seems no definite pattern in Pakistan’s hostility across the LoC and IB. Apart from firing and shelling and attempts of clandestine infiltration, Pakistani rogue elements have resorted to more methods of carrying on anti-India activities. They are engaged in paddling narcotics and exporting fake currency through anti-national elements within the country. It is now an established fact that there are covert agencies in Pakistan who, with tacit support from their intelligence agencies, have set up the workshop for printing fake Indian five hundred currency notes and then smuggle them into Indian side of the border and then through their conduits in India, pump the fake currency in the Indian market. This is done with the intention of derailing Indian economy and financial health. Same is true about clandestine smuggling of narcotics. Some weeks back a truck was seized at Salamabad, Uri carrying 33 kilograms of heroin to be delivered to a conduit in Srinagar. Likewise fake currency and narcotics worth crore of rupees have been confiscated by the police in Mendhar sector or Poonch district.  Pakistan is unable to control the mafias of that country indulging in hate-India and damage India megalomania. The Government has learnt how to deal with this and we think we have the adequate mechanism in place to counter the evil designs of our detractors.