Education system in winter zone schools

Long holidays in Government schools last year  especially in winter zone of Jammu and Kashmir due to flood has created a big problem as students could not complete their syllabus.Due to this reason the Government postponed all the examinations to be conducted on November 2014 to February 2015. But now the spreading of swine flu again compelled the authorities to extend the winter vacations. Now, the problem for the student community of winter session is that they have to take examinations in March of this year and it will take almost 15 days to conduct examination. May be possible that  5 to 10 days will be taken to prepare results by respective schools. It means the whole of  March month will consume in taking examination. In April the class work will start. Now, since the students of winter session will have to take examination in the month of November, so, in this year they will get very less time to complete their syllabus. Moreover,the teachers of Government schools have many tasks to perform as assigned by Government such as conducting surveys, census, BLO work, running mid day meal etc. This make it more difficult for the teachers to complete the syllabus of students.
So, it is  requested to the concerned authorities not to assign extra work to these teachers so that student community may not suffer. Otherwise, when the private school will show good results  than that of Government schools, the people will blame these poor teachers. The standard of Government schools will fall further more.
Yours etc….
Rakesh Kumar Sharma
Batote Teh. Batote