Rains sweep north India, more predicted

North India today woke up to mild showers which swept across the plains while the higher reaches of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh experienced snowfall as mercury plunged significantly in several places.
The weatherman has predicted more rains in the next 24 hours caused by a series of weather systems which have coupled up to soak different parts of the country.
“While a fresh western disturbance is affecting the hilly states of Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh, a cyclonic circulation is causing rain in Haryana, Rajasthan, and adjoining areas. Moreover, another system is affecting Gujarat and adjoining areas of Rajasthan,” said GP Sharma, VP, Skymet, a private weather forecasting agency.
Delhi and parts of the National Capital region (NCR) were hit by rain and strong winds since morning, bringing down temperatures.
Overcast conditions persisted throughout the day and was accompanied with strong winds and light rainfall in several parts of the city, prompting people to venture out of their homes to enjoy the weather.
The city received 17.2 mm of rain during the day, while the maximum temperature was recorded at 19 degrees Celsius, eight notches below normal, and minimum was 15.2 degrees Celsius, three above normal.
Rains in the plains and snowfall in upper reaches of Kashmir continued for the second day today as the downpour brought down the day temperature by more than four degrees.
Gulmarg received snowfall equivalent 1.8 mm  of rains since 8.30 am this morning, a Met department official said.
He said while upper reaches of the Valley received snowfall, the plains were lashed by intermittent rains with Qazigund in south Kashmir receiving 14.4 mm rainfall.
Pahalgam (3.8 mm), Srinagar (3.9 mm), Kokernag (5.9 mm) and Kupwara (6.9 mm) also witnessed intermittent rains through the day.
The maximum temperature recorded in the summer capital of the State was 4.9 degrees Celsius, down from 9.2 degrees Celsius of yesterday.
Wintry conditions revived in most parts of Himachal Pradesh as tribal areas and other higher hills had another spell of heavy snowfall while mid and lower hills were lashed by intermittent heavy rains, causing sharp fall in mercury.
The sky remained heavily overcast and icy winds accompanied by rains and snow brought down temperature by five to eight degrees. (AGENCIES)