Avalanche warning, 27 rescued, 15 structures damaged in Kashmir

SRINAGAR :  A fresh medium danger avalanche warning has been issued in the Kashmir valley, where 27 families were rescued from avalanche-prone areas while 15 structures were damaged during the past 24 hours.    An official spokesman said the upper reaches in the Valley received moderate to heavy snowfall during the past 36 hours.
There is a medium danger avalanche warning in the avalanche prone areas of Bandipora and Kupwara in north Kashmir, Anantnag, Kulgam and Shopian in south Kahmir, Ganderbal district in central Kashmir.    The Deputy Commissioners of these districts are asked to advise people not to venture out in the avalanche-prone areas. However, in case of any emergency people should take extra precautions.
People of these areas are also advised to temporarily evacuate those locations which are under fall line of avalanches.
A police spokesperson  said a joint team of state police and the Army evacuated 27 families consisting of 58 people, including women and children, from Waltengo Nard and shifted them to GHS Nowbugh in Kulgam in south Kashmir yesterday.    He said the families were evacuated as a precautionary measure following an avalanche warning in the area, which has received heavy snowfall recently.    The civil administration has made adequate ration, heating and other arrangements for these families, he added.    Meanwhile, 15 structures, including residential houses, were damaged in a snow avalanche triggered by heavy snowfall during the last 24 hours in Bandipora district.    However, no loss of life was reported as the families were already shifted to safer places.    An official man said a snow avalanche hit a village Sardab in Bandipora.
He said six residential houses and a shop were fully damaged while eight other residential houses were partially  damaged.
As the area is prone to snow avalanche, authorities had already evacuated people from the village to safety following heavy snowfall, he added.