Expectations from new Government

Common masses of Jammu and Kashmir State are least bothered about Article 370, AFSPA, citizenship to West Pak refugees etc. etc as all these issues are contentious and issues generally raised during election days for securing political gains. Majority of our population  lives below poverty line and in slums areas. They belong to down-trodden section of our society and a good percentage is ever unable to provide two meals a day to their families.
They want some change in the ruling setup with this ray of hope that the change in political setup may prove beneficial for them in matters of their primary needs of food cloth and shelter.
I would like to suggest the top leadership of PDP-BJP  to shun all these political issues for the time being and instead of making unnecessarily hue and cry for political gains frame a common minimum programme for providing primary needs to the masses, jobs to the educated unemployed youths, checking price rise, curbing the menace of corruption, nepotism, favouritism, communal forces who are trying to create gulf between different, communities for their selfish ends, addressing problems of Govt employees etc People have voted for change not on ideological grounds but want to get rid of the mal-practices of Congress-NC regime. They are eagerly desirous and hoping that the new Govt setup shall deliver a good governance and work for the well being of the masses.
Yours etc….
J S Awal