Protests over non-inclusion of some PDP legislators in Cabinet

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Mar 6: Rumblings have erupted within the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) after some of its senior leaders are reportedly dismayed for not being allotted ministerial portfolios in the new Government.
Most of the legislators who have consecutively won the last three Assembly elections are disappointed so much so that their workers have took to the streets against the PDP leadership.
Dozens of workers of Zahoor Ahmad Mir, two-time legislator from Pampore, protested early this week against the PDP top brass for “ignoring” their representative in Government.
“Our MLA is the most honest among the legislators for which he has got accolades everywhere, even from the party. He is dedicated for the party and toward the people in his constituency. But we are disappointed for him being ignored in the recent portfolio distribution. His honesty has not paid him,” Nazir Ahmad Malik, a senior worker of Mir.
Malik said that they failed to understand the criteria for which the ministries are distributed among the legislators.
The workers said that they will keep protesting till their legislator gets a ministerial berth.
Not only Mir’s, scores of workers of Abid Ansari, legislator form Zadibal, today protested demanding that the PDP leadership should include their representative in the new Government.
The workers said that Ansari deserved a ministry so that he could develop the whole Pattan area.
Reportedly, senior PPD leader Abdul Rehman Veeri, who has been given the Horticulture, Haj and Auqaf Ministry is also not happy with the portfolio.
“Veeri is the most senior PDP leader, and surprisingly he was given a lower ministry when he deserved more than it for his dedication toward the party,” said a PDP member.