Fundamentals for success

Ajay Sudan
Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behavior. It represents the reasons for people’s actions, desires and needs. Motivation means one’s direction to behavior or what causes a person to want a repeat a behavior and vice versa. According to Mahehr and Meyer, “Motivation is a word that is part of the popular culture as few other psychological concepts are”.
Always have a nature to encourage others. This will make you a positive person.  Believe in impossible. There is nothing impossible in this world. Always set a goal in your life but choose that path for achieving your goal where no one has treed ever  and leave trail for others. Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible, you can see the invisible, and you can achieve the impossible. There are two ways to achieve your goal. In case your goal is related to study then not only double but quadruple  your working time. In case your goal is other than study then divide your goal path in different sections and achieve every section within a week. Never count the days, make the days count.
The key to success is motivation. Success is sum of all small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Every person has to face failures in his/her life, but it is part and parcel of life, remember losers quit when they fail and winners fail until they succeed. Make yourself as fool as you can, like in 3-idiots movie when Amir khan told ” Bhaiya Aall  iz well “. Never feel sad.
Try to involve yourself in tougher and challenging situations. If place X is 15minutes away from your home by vehicle, first try to reach that place in the  same time by your foot, and then  second time reach that place in 10 minutes. This will make you mentally fit to face and succeed in any situation.
Prefer to be at the front in any situation, even if you have to stand at the last. Remember  the sun is anywhere in this universe but its light gives its position.  Believe in building your personality as unique.Your personality should be such that others will copy your personality. Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many people you brought with you. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed untill it is faced. The person who talks most of his virtue is often the least virtuous. Your work should speak of what you are. Perform your obligatory duty, because action is indeed better than inaction.
It is important to learn to laugh, never be spendthrift while laughing. According to scientific fact, energy can not be destroyed so your hard work will always give you something and it is never wasted. Take enjoyment in small things that make you happy.
Be like a soldier whose mission is nothing else than to  win over enemy. Have such approach and achieve your goal.
“Give your best, hope for the best and be ready for the worst”.