Alam’s release conditional, no case withdrawn: J&K Govt tells MHA

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Mar 8: As the Union Home Ministry today sought an immediate report from Jammu and Kashmir Government on the release of  separatist leader Masrat Alam yesterday, the Home Department along with police authorities in Jammu worked overtime, prepared a detailed and comprehensive report and would send it to the MHA early tomorrow morning as the Central Government expects fresh storm in the Parliament over the decision of newly formed PDP-BJP coalition Government.
Confirming that the MHA had sought an immediate report from the Government, official sources told the Excelsior late tonight that the Home and Police Departments have prepared an exhaustive report on release of Masrat Alam and would be sending it to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) early tomorrow morning.
“The report has been prepared with all facts and figures and the Home Department will be sending it to the MHA tomorrow morning,” they said.
Union Home Secretary LC Goyal also spoke to DGP K Rajendra this afternoon on the release of Masrat Alam. The J&K police chief briefed Goyal on the release of the separatist. Rajendra also meet Chief Minister Mufti Sayeed, who holds charge of the Home Department.
Sources said that the Home Department has shared each and every detail pertaining to arrest and release of Masrat Alam dating backing to 1993.
They said the Home Ministry has been briefed that Masrat Alam has not been given blanket release but there are conditions that he can be called anytime by the police in connection with under investigation cases against him.
“There are cases  pending against him. Not even a single pending case has been withdrawn against him. Every case will be challaned against him,” sources said, adding the cases against him dated back to 1993 and not only 2010 when he had shot into limelight after issuing calendars for strike calls during 2010 summer unrest that had taken the toll of about 112 people.
Sources said the MHA has been briefed that some of the cases against Masrat Alam have been challaned. “He is facing trial in the cases but has been granted bail in all cases pending against him. Now, he was being detained under the PSA,” sources said, adding the Government has briefed the Union Home Ministry that all cases against Masrat Alam will be pursued by the police in the courts legally but he was released in view of Court granting bail to him in all cases.
Both Houses of Parliament had earlier witnessed massive uproar and walk-out over first statement of Mufti Sayeed after becoming the Chief Minister in which he had credited Pakistan, Hurriyat and militants for facilitating peaceful Assembly elections.
The MHA’s SOS to the State Government followed strong reaction from various political parties countrywide including the Congress, Janata Dal (U) and BJP’s oldest ally, Shiv Sena, among others, which denounced release of Masrat Alam saying he was not a separatist but a terrorist.
The BJP-led NDA Government was expecting fresh trouble in the Parliament, which would resume tomorrow after four-days Holi break, on the release of Masrat Alam just like the statement of Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed on Assembly elections had sparked off trouble in both the Houses-Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha last Monday and Tuesday leading to massive uproar and walk-outs.
Earlier in the day, the Union Home Ministry had sought a report from Jammu and Kashmir Government on circumstances leading to release from jail of hardliner separatist leader Masrat Alam, who has over 15 cases pending against him.
Despite being a Sunday, officials of the Kashmir division in the Home Ministry worked overtime to gather all facts from the State Government on the issue which has led to strain in the PDP-BJP alliance.
The Ministry wanted to know the reasons that led to release of 44-year-old Alam, who spearheaded 2010 agitation, from the Baramulla jail last night.
According to sources, Alam had around 15 cases pending against him which included those registered under section 120 and 121 Ranbir Penal Code (waging war against the country) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh is expected to outline the Government position on the issue which has kicked up a political storm.
As many as six policemen were promoted when Alam had been arrested in October 2010 from Harwan area on the outskirts of Srinagar city besides distribution of Rs 10 lakh cash reward to the cops as well as to the informers. He was carrying a cash reward of Rs 10 lakh on information leading to his arrest.
PTI adds from New Delhi:-
The release of hardline Kashmiri separatist leader Masrat Alam today triggered a major political controversy with BJP being questioned by allies and foes alike over its alliance with PDP, which is only one week old.
“Shiv Sena had been giving warning signs on whatever has been going on in Kashmir. It is like playing with fire,” said the party spokesman Sanjay Raut.
He said forming a Government with PDP, with Mufti Mohammad Sayeed as Chief Minister is “like putting the country in danger and the process of that has begun.”
Raut, whose party is the oldest ally of BJP, underlined that Alam is a “big danger for the country”.
Slamming Alam’s release, Congress asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to come clean on his stand over the “continuous adventurism” of the PDP-BJP Government in Jammu and Kashmir which was “endangering” the peace in the Valley.
“We strongly condemn the release of Masrat Alam. Prime Minister, and BJP must answer as to why peaceful atmosphere of Jammu & Kashmir is being sought to be disturbed by successive unilateral moves by PDP-BJP Government,” AICC Communication Department in-charge Randip Surjewala said.
He recalled that the J&K Chief Minister, within an hour of swearing-in of the PDP-BJP Government on Sunday last, had thanked the separatists, terrorists and Pakistan for peaceful polls instead of thanking the valour of people of J&K, security forces and Election Commission.
“Release of Masarat Alam, principal propagator of stone pelters, further endangers the hard-earned peace in J&K (achieved) by determined resolve of people of J&K as also our security forces,” he said.
Surjewala demanded that the Prime Minister should answer to the nation whether he subscribes to such “ill-thought remarks and adventurism” by his party’s coalition Government in Jammu and Kashmir.
Another Congress leader Manish Tewari said it was a peculiar situation that in Kashmir, a separatist is released, in Jammu, BJP is protesting and in Delhi, it evades questions.
He tweeted, “Mr PM who is he, political prisoner or terrorist?”
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar today blamed BJP for the release of jailed separatist leader Masrat Alam in Jammu and Kashmir and said that the saffron party was “responsible” for whatever was happening there.
“The BJP is responsible for whatever is happening in Jammu and Kashmir today. We have been continuously saying that the alliance of BJP-PDP to form a Government there is the philosophical demise of Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, the founder of Bharatiya Jansangh,” Kumar said.
“BJP cannot absolve itself from the things that are happening there, as it is their Government in alliance with PDP. It will have to answer the issues that have cropped up there and are rocking the entire country,” Kumar added.
The Bihar Chief Minister was talking to mediapersons on the sidelines of a function organised in Patna on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
Kumar pointed out that Mukherjee had advocated “one flag, one constitution” for the entire country.
“But the leaders of BJP have killed his philosophy and thoughts this time in Jammu and Kashmir by forming an alliance with PDP for power,” he said.