A political compulsion

S S Jamwal
After he was sworn in as Chief Minister on last Sunday, Mufti Mohd S ayeed gave credit to Pakistan, Hurriyat and militants for the smooth conduct of elections in the state. He had further claimed that he had spoken to Modi on this issue. Vociferous opposition disrupted Lok Sabha proceedings, seeking a clarification from the PM on such controversial remarks of the CM.  Accordingly PM had to clarify his position by saying that the PDP-BJP Govt in the state would be run only on the basis of CMP worked out by the two parties and there would be zero tolerance of terrorism. This matter had yet to die, when CM directed DGP to release all political prisoners against whom no criminal charges are registered. He also directed the DGP to prepare a comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of surrendered and released militants so that they are integrated into the mainstream of the society of the state. Within  three days of issuance of directions to DGP,Govt ordered release of Muslim League president, Masrat Alam  Bhat who was accused of the spearheading 2010 summer unrest in Kashmir in which over 112 people were killed in alleged police firing. It is pertinent to mention that Masart was detained under Public Safety Act (PSA) six times since his arrest in 2010 and every time the J&K High Court quashed his detention under PSA but he was not released. He was rearrested every time.
So far as rehabilitation of surrendered militants and released militants is concerned, this scheme was earlier introduced vide cabinet decision no 32/3 dated 31/01/2004 and Govt order no Home-55/H of 2004 dated 31/01/2004 by Mufti sahib when he became CM under PDP-Congress coalition Govt. As such it is not a new policy but may be revisiting of the old policy.  Perhaps Mr  Mufti  knows that this coalition Govt will not complete its full term so he is in hurry to implement all those schemes /programmes which are in his mind so that in case elections are held again he may get all the seats from Kashmir valley including  Ladakh.
Had such controversial statements been  issued by NC-Congress leader during NC-Congress coalition Govt, BJP would have stormed the Parliament besides giving call for Jammu Bandh, strikes, dharnas etc. But this time Jammu city remained calm and no such call has been issued. Thanks to PDP-BJP alliance. Actually both these parties have come together to form the coalition Govt just to catalyze reconciliation and confidence building within and across the LOC in J&K thereby ensuring peace in the state. It will in turn create an  environment for all round economic development of the state and prosperity of the people.BJP may have felt that party can  contribute more in development of the region by taking part in the Government as the state BJP leaders have never  remained in Govt  and so never experienced power sharing in the past. Now they have understood that by making Bandh calls, taking part  in strikes ,dharnas is merely a wastage of time resulting financial loss to common man/state and the country. It is also a fact that both the parties have agreed on the Agenda of the alliance wherein it is mentioned that the coalition Government will facilitate and help initiate a sustained and meaningful dialogue with all internal stakeholders, which will include all political groups irrespective of their ideological views and predilections. This dialogue will seek to build a broad based consensus on resolution of all outstanding issues in J&K. Although it is not mentioned clearly whether the talks will be held with separatist leaders or not but it is clear that instead of mentioning  the word “separatists”, the words like “internal stake holders include all political groups irrespective of their ideological views and predilections” has been used in a very polished way. It is true that no dialogue is possible if the stake holders are lodged in jails. That is why Masrat  Alam has been released and it is hoped that so many others such detainees will be released shortly so that coalition Govt may carry out a meaningful dialogue with these detainees as mentioned in the Agenda under the heading “Political Initiatives”. This may also be one of the reasons that BJP has not spoken much in the case of release of Masrat Alam barring one BJP MLA from Nowshera who has termed the release of Masart Alam as “threat to national security.”
It is pertinent to mention that common man needs not to worry about all these developments in the state as there are different Govt machineries functioning in the state as well as in the centre to take care of any eventualities. All political parties are aware of these developments and discussions are going on  different national TV channels and it is hoped that all the problems will be sorted out shortly. But definitely it is compulsion of both the coalition partners to act in such a way that promises made during election campaigns are fulfilled as early as  possible  failing which the people of this state will teach them lessons in due course of time as has been done earlier.