Dr. Mehnaz Choudhary
Swine influenza (H1N1) is a respiratory disease of Pigs caused by Type A influenza virus. It is commonly known as Swine Flu or Pig Flu. The disease is dangerous for pigs as well as humans
History of Swine Flu
During 1918 flu pandemic, swine flu was proposed to be a diseases related to human Flu, when human beings and pigs fell ill at the same time. Later on, in the year 1930, the first influenza virus was identified as the cause of deaths among the pigs & the humans.
Mode of Spread
The disease is highly contagious and dangerous leading to deaths among human beings. It can be transmitted from person to person through droplets expelled when an infected person coughs or sneezes or by touching the surfaces contaminated by the droplets or coming in direct contact with the infected person
One should get tested for H1N1 virus if along with flu symptoms (i.e fever, running nose, sore throat & congestion) you have
* Fever over 101 F for more than three days
* Extreme breathlessness
* Pain in Chest while breathing
* Lethargy
* Loss of Apetite
* Nausea & Vomiting
People at high Risk
* People with respiratory disorders such as Asthma, Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Diseases etc are at high risk.
* People with compromised immunity because of uncontrolled diabetes, cancer & kidney disease.
* Pregnant women & children under five years of age, people aged fifty years or older.
How to prevent yourself from Swine Flu
Wash your hands properly using soap or sanitizer. This prevents the germs to get in to the body & infect us. Wash your hands before taking meals.
Avoid contact with people suffering from Swine Flu
People who are prone to disease should wear face masks.
Although, the flu doesnot spreads through food but it is important to have properly handled cooked food. The raw food must be properly washed and cooked before use.
Avoid visiting crowded public places if you can.
Eating healthy food along with sound sleep and avoiding stress is the best way to maintain health and immunity.
Diagnosis of Swine Flu
The disease is diagnosed by particular antigens associated with virus type. Active infection with swine influenza can only be confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays including sub typing and further characterization by other special PCR assays.
What to do when infected
The first and foremost thing to do is to maintain your calm, not to panic or lose hope. Consult your doctor as early as possible. And ensure that other family members are not affected. Also avoid going to work. Take proper rest until the flu symptoms subside. Things will soon get better
Myths about Swine Flu
You can get swine flu from eating pork . WRONG! Despite the common name of the disease, eating pork products does not spread H1N1 influenza. The virus spreads through the droplets expelled in the air form infected people coughing and sneezing. People are contagious from one day before to seven days after developing the symptoms of Swine Flu
There is no cure for Swine Flu. WRONG!! Having the anti viral prescription drug OSELTAMIVIR (commonly sold under the brand name TAMIFLU or FLUVIR) shortens the duration and severity of illness if taken within 48 hrs of the symptoms appearing. It also makes you less contagious and prevents infection also. It also protects against other strains of influenza.
The swine flu virus has mutated:- Gene sequencing of H1N1 virus by India’s two premier labs- National Institute of Virology Pune and National Centre of Disease Control Delhi showed that the virus has not mutated
India has shortage of Drugs:- there is no shortage. The virus causes mild disease in most people and less than one percent people infected need drugs for treatment.
You can get Swine Flu only once in your life :- H1N1 virus works like other seasonal Flu Viruses and may re-infect you in the coming years. Since you can get it again and again if you are in frequent contact with the contagious people, all health workers treating people with Swine Flu should get vaccinated against it which offers one year protection against the virus.