American in Honduras isolated pending tests for Ebola

TEGUCIGALPA, Mar 14:  A US citizen has been hospitalized in Honduras while he is screened for Ebola, health authorities in the Central American country said.
The 66-year-old American, who has not been identified, had spent time in Liberia before coming to Honduras on March 11, authorities said.
Although he didn’t have any symptoms when he arrived in the country, he was hospitalized with a 100.4 degree fever on Friday in Comayagua, about an hour north of the capital Tegucigalpa, an owner of the hospital, Juviny Ochoa, told Reuters.    The deputy minister of health, Francis Contreras, told local television that authorities were taking precautions because the patient had been in an African country.    ‘We have adopted international health protocols to treat these kinds of cases,’ Contreras said.