RSS mouthpiece slams BBC for airing Delhi gang-rape docu

NEW DELHI, Mar 15: Criticising BBC for going ahead with the telecast of ‘India’s Daughter’, a documentary based on the Delhi gang rape, an article in the latest edition of RSS mouthpiece ‘Organiser’ has accused the channel of “double standards” and questioned its intentions behind running the film despite a ban.

            The article states that the documentary is not only “offencive” in its storytelling, but British film-maker Leslee Udwin has by calling India “a country of sick mindset” forced the viewers to question her intentions.

            The “Organiser” article said the documentary “deviates” from the real incident of the December 16 gang rape and “focuses on the rapist’s mindset where the victim’s family is utilised to enhance the impact of the rapist’s account”.

            “Ignoring the crimes against women in developed nations and by calling India a country of sick mindset, Leslee reveals the double standards of BBC as her documentary is not only exploitative, it seems wrong too,” the article says.

            Noting that the controversial documentary was telecast on BBC 4 despite A ban imposed on it by the Government of India, the article says, “It has little to do with freedom of expression, as freedom of speech cannot be perceived as a licence to propagate anything which may hurt the sentiments of the society.”

            Being a responsible media house, it said, “The BBC should have obeyed the rule and law of India and the plea of India’s intelligentsia and general public.”

            The article also questioned the intention of the film-maker. “Did she intend really to cover the sensitivity of the gut-wrenching crime against a woman or was it being tilted towards the narrative of the rapist to defame India in the global community?” the article asked.

            No doubt sexual crimes against women in India are on the rise but this malaise is equally prevalent in developed nations like the US and European countries among others, it said. (PTI)