
Friday Mar 20-2015  

Aries : Today, you will meet with success, and you do it on your own merit, without any divine intervention. You may be a student of science or arts, but you will excel due to your deep knowledge of the subject. There are chances you may decide to study further, says Ganesha.

Taurus : You will wake up feeling adventurous today, says Ganesha. Experimentation and an unusual attitude will manifest itself in how you think today. Your subordinates may influence some of your decisions at work this afternoon. On the whole, you will take time to think things out before making any vital decisions, predicts Ganesha.

Gemini : Religious pursuits will take up a large chunk of your time today. You will incur expenses on religious rituals and charity work. You will find yourself going to a place of worship in search of peace and solitude, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Both your physical and mental health will remain stable today, predicts Ganesha. In the afternoon, you may meet one of your clients for lunch. It is an auspicious day to propose and finalise wedding dates, hopes Ganesha.

Leo : You will demonstrate your skills of networking at the workplace today. At the end of the day you will be afforded the help of some friend or colleague to reduce your workload. You will be able to tide through the day easily if you are able to make some compromises, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Today, you shall be in a receptive frame of mind, open to all ideas; yet the stubborn will rule when decision-making matters, predicts Ganesha. Organise and sort out things at work today. But in the evening, enjoy a fine meal and then, may be, summon the courage to pop the question, says Ganesha.

Libra : Today, you touch a new high when it comes to self-reliance. The pledges and promises you make may tend to perplex people at your workplace. Afternoon may see you taking on other people’s responsibilities as well. Your vigour reaches its highest point in the evening, expects Ganesha.

Scorpio : Your balancing skills may be called to fore today, as some of the important decisions of your life may come calling for judgement today. Later in the day, sudden and unexpected profits are on the cards. In the workplace, reputation and rewards may come for previous efforts. You are likely to remain energetic, enthusiastic and capable all throughout the day.

Sagittarius : Ganesha foresees that today, you shall be more selfless and careful than ever. You might be slated to make some profit by involving yourself in shared actions. However, it comes naturally to you to mix business with pleasure, and you shall make the most of it.

Capricorn : Lovelorn for long, today may be the start of a new chapter, foresees Ganesha. And for those of you already in love, your sweetheart may appear sweeter. No, it’s not because they will be overpowered by love. They will probably try to make your day special and have you spend your hard-earned money on a nice outing or an expensive dinner.

Aquarius : It’s time to have a riot with friends! You don’t always have to be goody two-shoes. Do something you’ve never done before and break a few of those self-made rules. Watch how you suddenly become irresistible to one and all, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Your peers will be the cause of a few confrontations today. Legal disputes may also arise. Take the advice of your elders to resolve these conflicts. Meditative techniques will help restore your calm, says Ganesha.