J-K Assembly rocked by noisy scenes, walkouts

Amid walkouts, Jammu and Kashmir Assembly today witnessed noisy scenes, uproar and heated exchange of words between members of opposition and treasury benches on various issues.
Taking a dig at PDP for forming Government with BJP, NC member Aga Ruhullah said “PDP had formed Government with communal forces who were behind killings in Gujarat, fall of Babri Masjid… We kept them away from J-K, but you brought the communal forces in power in J&K”.
As he took name of the Prime Minister in connection with the 2002 Gujarat riots, BJP members objected to it drawing verbal duels and noisy scenes in the House for some time.
Aga hit out at PDP for making saffron party inroads into civil secretariat and power establishment in J&K, saying even when being in power with NDA earlier, NC did not allow their entry into J-K power corridors.
There were also verbal duals over it between Aga, Engineer Rashid and Ravinder Raina. Later BJP members observed silence even as Aga was targeting them for being communal.
Devinder Rana and M Jabbar of NC resorted to protests while coming close to the well of the House by raising the issue of the disengagement of contractual staff and stoppage of scholarship to over 5,000 students.
They sought Government’s assurance on the issues and later staged a walkout from the House even as Speaker Kavinder Gupta said that the Government will take notice of it.
Earlier Engineer Rashid walked into well of the House protesting over BJP chief Amit shah’s statement and later staged a walkout. (AGENCIES)