Cong MLAs clash with Rashid over stakeholders issue

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 19: While taking strong exception to the remarks of NC MLA Agha Ruhulla against the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi  in the State Assembly today, BJP MLA from Ramnagar Constituency, R S Pathania demanded that in future such words should not be used against any one in the House.
While participating in the debate on Governor’s address in the House today, Pathania demanded that these indecent remarks against the PM be expunged.
Supporting him his Party colleague from Nowshera Ravinder Raina termed it an insult of the House and demanded that the MLA be called and asked to seek apology.
Intervening the Speaker, Kavinder Gupta said that the MLA has left for Srinagar and his remarks have been expunged.
Later, the House witnessed verbal duel and heated exchanges between the Congress MLA from Bandipora, Usman Majid and independent MLA Engineer Rashid after the former while referring towards the word stakeholders used in Governor’s address said that the stakeholders are those who fought elections and not those who killed Panchs and others. This was objected by Engineer Rashid and he tried to interrupt the speech of Congress MLA.
Engineer Rashid, while objecting the speech of Usman Majid said that where were the stakeholders when Afzal Guru was hanged. He, while attacking the Congress MLA accused him that he himself had taken to arms which Usman Majid denied totally.
Taking serious note of Engineer Rashid’s utterances, Congress MLA Vikar Rasool also came to the rescue of his colleague and asked Engineer Rashid to speak at his turn. Usman also attacked Rashid saying he is always making the noise and he has been doing this for past six years. He asked the independent MLA not to disturb speech and speak on his turn.
Maintaining that people of J&K have no role on talks Usman Majid said that India and Pakistan should hold meaningful dialogue so that people of the State are relieved of their pain and agony.
He also wanted to know about the present Government’s policy. Making a scathing attack on Government, he said that PDP during election campaign accused Congress of hanging Afzal Guru. Admitting that Congress agreed that body of Guru be handed over to his family on humanitarian grounds, he reminded Engineer Rashid that he voted for Congress on the basis of same assurance.
Again interrupting him Engineer Rashid passed some remarks about AICC chief, Sonia Gandhi for her soft stand on Rajiv Gandhi’s assassins.
Continuing debate Usman Majid lambasted BJP for what he called its double standards. He said no one can abrogate Article 370 and questioned where is the Hindu Chief Minister as was being claimed by BJP during elections?
Pointing towards BJP he said people will seek a reply from the Party as it got votes on the basis of issues. Congress MLA also ridiculed BJP for creating confusion in the minds of people saying this way party was trying to erode India’s roots. He cautioned BJP that Congress is a national Party having roots all over country. He said “if you try to weaken it you will be weakening the country”.
NC MLA from Sumbal Sonawari Mohammed Akbar Lone also tried to interrupt the Peoples Conference MLA, Bashir Ahmed Dar when Mr Dar said how can Opposition blame coalition when they were ruling the State for last 18 years.
Dar termed BJP -PDP coalition a historical decision and said that the members have not been sent here to talk about Azadi. Pointing towards Opposition he said that wrongs have been done during their tenure only and instead of criticism for the sake of criticism entire House should apply its mind for development.
He said the people living in cozy houses are talking about AFSPA but common man faces water scarcity. “So we should utilize our timing in solving these problems”, he added.