Kichloo’s remarks on Amit Shah generate heat

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 19: The remarks of  BJP National president Amit Shah with regard to the resolution of Kashmir issue generated heat in the Upper House today.
NC member Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo was speaking on the  Motion of Thanks on the Governors’ address which begins in Legislative Council today. The Motion in this regard was moved by Education Minister, Syed Naeem Akhtar.
Initiating the discussion, in the House, Sajjad Kichloo said that the text had no clarity on major subjects that concern the people of the State. He also cited the newspaper report regarding BJP president Amit Shah’s reported assertion on the resolution of Kashmir issue, describing it as full of confusion and controversies. He said what the BJP leadership wants to do in Kashmir to get it ‘Azad’ or envisages another plan, we fail to understand it.  The people of J&K are totally confused. What happened to AFSPA plank of PDP and Art 370 of BJP ? This is also another major issue of debate, he added.
The agitated BJP member Sofi Yousuf stood up and tried to snub NC member asking him to strict to his subject and not to pull the name of BJP president  in Governor’s address. The Opposition members also stood up and shouted at Mr Sofi, however, with the intervention of Chairman, calm was restored in the House.
Congress member Bashir Ahmad Magray, pulled up the then NC-Congress Government and held it responsible for  inaction during floods in Kashmir. He said it was total failure on the State Administration in September last as no pre-warning signals  were given to the people of Srinagar.
Commenting on the Governor’s address he said that steps should be taken to provide adequate relief to the flood affected people. He criticised the administration for not responding on time during the floods and demanded constitution of an Inquiry Commission to ascertain the causes of the devastation and failure of the Government to respond effectively and to fix the responsibility in this regard.
Sham Lal Bhagat in his speech highlighted the unemployment problem in the State and alleged that it does not find mention in the speech delivered by the Governor. He, however, appreciated the vision of the Government as far as eradicating corruption from the State is concerned and hoped situation will improve on ground.
Speaking in support of the Governor’s address, Vibodh Gupta said that the Governance system which over the years has witnessed decay will be set right and in this regard clear policies have been mentioned in the document. He also demanded ST status for Pahari speaking people and said tourism needs to be promoted in a big way in Rajouri and Poonch districts.
Appreciating the address, Sofi Yousuf criticised the previous NC- Congress Government for not carrying forward the vision of the former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpai vis-a vis engagement with neighbours and improving relations with them. He said all the issues could be resolved once relations with neighbouring counties are improved and steps should be taken in this regard.