
Saturday Mar 21-2015  

Aries : Your day is packed full. There are negotiations, commitments, plans and decisions to wade through. You may feel low on energy and swamped due to lack of information and inputs from others. But clarity will return gradually as matters conclude, says Ganesha.

Taurus : You may feel let down as your folks may not extend the support you expected from them, says Ganesha You should try to remain practical and not get swayed by emotions. It is highly likely that family feuds may erupt today. Ganesha advises you to avoid confrontations and keep smiling to emerge a winner.

Gemini : If you are into retail business, planetary positions indicate today is a day for bumper sales. You will set records in making profits. After work, you may want to take your beloved out shopping. Though it may burn a hole in your pocket, the returns you get once you reach home will be worth every penny!

Cancer : Not a good day for you in terms of fortune and opportunities. You will constantly find yourself in unwanted tricky situations without any fault of yours. You, however, are likely to know what to do in such situations by now, for you have been in too many of those in the past. The best course of action will be to stay out of arguments.

Leo : The bourgeoisie feasted on cake, while the masses starved for want of a mere loaf of bread. Ganesha foresees something similar for you today, as you show the propensity to indulge in unwanted expenses. Whether it is impulsive decisions or compulsive buying, they shall not serve as an excuse on a later date when the milk is already spilt. Remember the fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant? Learn to exercise restraint.

Virgo : Today, your soul mate will both give and demand pleasant surprises, says Ganesha. Your business partners may bring in some good news. Take responsibility of your past mistakes and make plans for the days to come. Do not be shy of the advice of loved ones, as it will help you more than hinder. In the evening, you may spend quality time with your beloved.

Libra : Sit back and think hard — think about what is it that you really want when it comes to your business enterprises, because there are many ways to go about things at work, and they all shall lead your somewhere different. The stars favour you today with a golden touch, so take it in your stride and make hay while the sun shines. Learn to take charge and take initiatives, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Don’t put off cultivating healthy eating habits, says Ganesha. You should do better to control over-indulging in food as it may lead to obesity. Ganesha advises you to stick to a healthy lifestyle, especially when it comes to meals.

Sagittarius : Life is bubbling within you and you shall be in a hyper-elevated state of bliss today. Your high-spirits and energy will inspire you to perform at your best. Moreover, your inner voice will be loud and bellowing. Make the most of this superb day, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You will find the day to be taxing, mostly because of the amount of work delegated to you, says Ganesha. But it will take trouble quite an effort to dampen your spirit. You will be in the fray in the latter part of the day, but will leave your rivals trailing behind in terms of business strategies. Success will be yours if you ensure to be mindful of your moves.

Aquarius : You may huff and puff, but today is not the day when you’ll finish what you started. Don’t lose heart, the future is promising. Take a break, says Ganesha, you’ve worked enough. The results are on the way.

Pisces : Needless rigidity only serves to imprison you within outmoded walls of faulty reasoning. Inculcating some flexibility will give you some much-needed wriggle room to manoeuvre things your way for good, says Ganesha.