Mess created in Revenue Deptt only to promote corruption: Minister

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 20: Minister for Revenue, Javed Mustafa Mir today said that mess was created in the Revenue Department over the years in order to promote corrupt practices. He, however, said that the days of corrupt officials in the department are numbered and noose would be tightened around them.
“Those at the helm of affairs in this department always remained concerned about Patwaris…Literally this department was rendered as Patwar Khana in order to promote corrupt practices”, he said during the Question Hour in the Legislative Assembly.
He further said, “Patwaris always remained priority as compared to anything else but new dispensation is committed to improve the situation and make each and everybody in the department accountable to the public”, adding “I have directed revenue functionaries to submit their Annual Property Returns so that those who have amassed assets by indulging in corrupt practices are identified and taken to task as per law”.
The Minister further said, “we will not go by the diktats of revenue functionaries and rather we will ensure that they perform their duties as per the satisfaction of the people, who otherwise are feeling harassed because of corruption prevailing in the department”.
While replying to the queries of Opposition MLAs on new administrative units, Mr Mir said that Government would take necessary measures to functionalize all newly created administrative units in the State.
The Minister, in reply to the main question of NC MLA, Javed Rana, informed that there is no new proposal for creation of new districts including Mendher. He said Committees constituted from time to time to look into the demands of creation of new administrative units were not mandated to recommend any new district.
In reply to another question by Jewan Lal, the Revenue Minister said that the posts of Tehsildars in Tehsil Lohai and Duggain have not been created yet. “As and when the posts of Tehsildars are created the suitable officers would be posted”, he added.