Mufti blames non-state actors for Kathua terror attack

*Govt to increase SAC members’ tenure to 5 years
Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 20: Blaming non-state actors for the Kathua terror attack, Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today warned them saying that the will of the people cannot be weakened by any gun.
“I want to warn those people (who engineered the terror attacks) that the will of the people cannot be weakened by any gun. I want to send them a message that they should not create any hurdles in this (path of democracy),” Mufti said in 55 minutes reply to debate on Motion of Thanks to the Governor’s Address in the Legislative Assembly this afternoon.
The Assembly passed the Governor’s Address unanimously.
Reacting to the terror attack, Mufti said, “we have a strong resolve that we have come to change the history of Jammu and Kashmir. We want to make Jammu and Kashmir hub of peace and normalcy. Nobody can stop us”.
Mufti blamed non-state actors for the Kathua terror attack.
“This incident which has taken place…Is it suicide attack or what… I do-not know. Why is this happening…What are their designs…,” he asked.
“A democratic process has taken place that people of Jammu and Kashmir have come forward and taken part in the these elections and our endeavor is to create an environment of peace and normalcy. Is it they want to do?”, he asked.
The Chief Minister hit out at the non-state actors for their design to derail the peace process and said “these are same forces which you can see worldwide… In Syria and Iraq… Everywhere something new. This is not in the Islam what they are doing… Islam is message of peace”.
“I want to say that the House should take a notice of it… This might be work of non-state actors. We should take on board Pakistan, which itself is facing a major war (of extremism). If there are some non-state actors, there also, they should be isolated,” Mufti added.
Sayeed said if India has to become a global power, it has to engage with its neighbours, including Pakistan, in the dialogue process.
“If we want to make India a great country… The only bottleneck is Pakistan, which is also facing extremism problem… To make India great you will have to engage with your neighboring SAARC and Pakistan (In dialogue process),” Sayeed said.
He said Pakistan too would want India to become a great nation.
Sayeed also expressed grief over the loss of lives in the Kathua attack and said his Government will provide immediate relief to the families of the deceased.
“I share the grief of the people who have suffered in the dastardly attack in Kathua, in which two CRPF personnel, one constable and one civilian have lost their lives. I express my heartfelt condolences to the grieving families,” he said.
“Necessary instructions have been issued to provide immediate relief to the kin of the deceased,” Mufti said.
The Chief Minister said that the buzz word of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been “development and good governance”.
“I say that the prerequisite for development and good governance is peace,” he said.
While invoking former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee for initiating the dialogue process with separatists, Mufti said, “It’s not that we are starting any new tradition, but when Vajpayee was the Prime Minister, Vajpayee and Advani held two rounds of dialogue with separatists and Hurriyat people and then the second was reconciliation with Pakistan,” he said.
He added that Vajpayee was a statesman who extended a hand of friendship towards Pakistan when the armies of both the countries were eyeball to eyeball during operation Prakaram.
“He extended a hand of friendship towards Pakistan when Musharraf was there and then there was continuous peace on this side and other side of the line of control for 10 long years,” he said.
Mufti Sayeed said that Jammu and Kashmir which was the only Muslim majority State in the country added to the diversity of India.
“Jammu and Kashmir which is the only Muslim majority state of the country adds to the diversity of this country,” he said.
He said Jammu and Kashmir enjoys a special status with India which can only be changed by a Constituent Assembly.
“A Constituent Assembly can change it but now the constituent Assembly cannot be formed,” he said.
Erosion to the special status of the State has taken place in the past and some nomenclatures have been changed “but I am not sure whether the change of nomenclature changes the power,” he said.
“It changed from Prime Minister to Chief Minister and Sadar-e-Riyast to Government and there is nothing in the names,” he said.
“Whatever law is passed by the Parliament is not applicable… We made our own RTI Act,” he said.
The Chief Minister said his Government would initiate the gradual process of scrapping the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from Jammu and Kashmir.
“There are certain reservations as far as the Defence Ministry and some Army officials are concerned, but we will try to start the gradual process (of scrapping AFSPA),” Mufti said.
“Until you completely revoke AFSPA, make your people accountable,” he added.
Referring to his recent discussion with GOC-in-C Northern Command Lt Gen D S Hooda, Mufti said, “I told him that you have to have a standard procedure.”
On the alleged encounter in which two youth were killed in Budgam district, he said, “Two people were fired upon by the army and killed, but I came to know that when the Prime Minister was informed about it, he ordered an enquiry (into it).
“The two boys were not terrorists but innocent civilians. He (the PM) asked the Army to take the responsibility.”
Mufti said the Prime Minister made sure that the culprits in the Machil fake encounter case too were punished.
“In Machil Fake encounter case, they killed innocent people for medals but the Army court-martialed them and made sure that they were punished,” he said.
On the people languishing in jails under the Public Safety Act (PSA), Mufti said that an impression was being created that the people of Jammu and Kashmir were not living in a democratic country.
“The total number of detainees under Public Safety Act is 37 – 20 foreigners and 16 from Jammu and Kashmir – out of which six are smugglers, one is political prisoner and three stone pelters,” he said.
Terming Jammu and Kashmir as the shining example of country’s secular credentials… Sayeed said that PDP-BJP Government has added to the diversity of the NDA Government at the Centre.
“The participation of the country’s only Muslim majority state in coalition with BJP in J-K will play a critical role in facilitating India’s recognition as an emerging economic power at the international level,” Sayeed said.
Mufti said the example of the BJP and PDP coming together, despite ideological and political differences, can be a model for inclusive governance.
He said as former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had turned his Srinagar visit into a historic opportunity to reach out to Pakistan and script the agenda for peace, our partnership with Prime Minister Narendra Modi could make the power structure at the national level more inclusive and diverse.
The Chief Minister said if India has to become a great nation, it will have to take SAARC countries along, including Pakistan, and added that we have to learn from the experience of the European Union (EU), where all the countries have entered into an alliance for bringing holistic economic development and prosperity in the region.
Reiterating that no one can change the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, the Chief Minister said time has come for Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh to harmonize their diversity and write a new chapter in the state’s history of reconciliation.
“This special status has to have political ownership not only in Kashmir, but also in Jammu and Ladakh regions of the State to become a real mark of distinction,” he said.
He added that building understanding between various regions of the State was of utmost importance and wondered how could one strengthen the links between Kashmir and rest of the country “if we fail to live harmoniously even as the regions of a single State’’.
After caught into the controversy by giving credit to Pakistan and Hurriyat for J-K elections, Sayeed, in his reply in the Assembly, gave full credit to Election Commission and State administration for successful polls.
“I want to thank the Election Commission and State administration people who were involved in the election here,” Mufti said.
“They were instrumental in clearest, ensuring fairest possible elections in Jammu and Kashmir. There were people who lost by 100 votes or won by 100 votes. Just 100—150 vote margins,” Mufti said.
Soon after sworn-in as a Chief Minister of J&K on March 1, Mufti was caught into a major controversy over his remarks giving credit to Pakistan, elements from across the border and Hurriyat for successful polls in Jammu and Kashmir.
“The people have developed faith in destiny of voter slips and in the institution of democracy and also on our agenda and integrity,” he said.
Mufti Sayeed further said that he want to say this Assembly has a important character and he don’t want to fight with those people, who have given us responsibility in Indian constitution and J&K Constitution to choose their Assembly.
“Those who are.. I don’t want to fight them. But I want to say that this Assembly is the most powerful institution. It is our identity,” he said, probably referring to separatists.
The Chief Minister said no jobs in the state services can be given to West Pakistani refugees.
“I agree that I cannot provide them Government employment (to the West Pak refugees). I assure we will get them priority in private sector. Until there is any round table, till then we cannot do any,” Mufti told Legislative Assembly here today.
West Pakistan refugees numbering near one lakh are living in Jammu and Kashmir as unwanted citizens of the State without any state subject rights for last over six decades.
“Why this issue was not resolved? It is human problem. Why was it done? When you could not do when you had 2/3rd majority. Omar sahib, it is human problem,” he said.
In the agenda for alliance, Mufti Government has said that the coalition Government will also take all measures for sustenance and livelihood of the West Pakistan Refugees.
In a reference to the government’s resolve to address the issue of one-time settlement of refugees from across the LoC, the Chief Minister said, the coalition Government will also take all measures for sustenance and livelihood of the West Pakistan Refugees.
“I have framed a Committee headed by Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh, which will look into the issue,” he said.
Referring to the need for return of Kashmiri Pandits to the valley, he said the social fabric of Kashmir was incomplete without them.
“The Centre has a comprehensive policy for return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandit community and many of our brethren have taken benefit from it,” he said, adding that an enabling peaceful environment will facilitate a gradual return of the community to the Kashmir valley.
Mufti said during the UPA rule he had told the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that even temporary facilities for the community should have been set up within the valley so that they could gradually reintegrate into their culture and milieu.
The Chief Minister stated that all lands other than those given to the security forces on the basis of lease, licenses and acquisition in which due process of law has not been followed, shall be returned to the rightful owners, except in a situation where retaining the lands is absolutely imperative in view of specific security requirement.
He said in any case, monetary remuneration, be it in the form of rents or compensation, will be made fairly at market rates. A committee would be set up to take a decision on it, he said.
Mufti Sayeed said the purpose of the alliance between PDP and BJP in the state is to empower the people and to take confidence building measures within and across the Line of Control (LoC) to ensure lasting peace.
“We want to create an enabling environment for all-round economic development of the state,” he said.
Spelling out the reason for forging an alliance with the BJP in the state to give a representative Government to the people after holding wide consultations, Sayeed reminded the NC leader and former Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, of his days as a Minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led NDA Government.
Stating that his Government has accorded top priority to reconstruct the flood-ravaged infrastructure and rehabilitate those people who lost everything to the September flood fury, Sayeed said all affected people, especially small-time businessmen who had no security of insurance, shall be provided relief.
“I have constituted a committee to be headed by the Finance Minister which will expedite rehabilitation and disbursement of relief to the flood victims,” he said.
The CM said so far the Union government has released Rs 1,000 crore under “Prime Minister’s Package for Floods” for restoration of damage to public assets over and above around Rs 1,100 crore already available with the State Government under NDRF for emergency relief and temporary restoration. An amount of Rs 820 crore, he said, stands spent under SDRF.
“The work on commencement of permanent restoration has already begun. We are separately pursuing the release of a special package that would cater to the requirements of the affected people,” he said.
Flagging the issue of empowering the Panchayats, Corporations and Municipalities in the State, the Chief Minister hailed Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah for introducing the concept of Single Line Administration where the entire Cabinet would go to the people to address their issues on-the-spot.
“I was so pleased when former Chief Minister of Karnataka R K Hegde replicated the same concept for micro-level management in his own State,” he said.
The CM said he has in mind an idea of smart governance that coalesces e-Governance, adheres to Public Services Guarantee Act (PGSA), the Right to Information Act (RTI), Transparent Transfer Policy, which has security of tenure, prevention of corruption in administration and fair disposal in filling up of vacancies and regularisation of employees so that the faith of the people in Government institutions is restored.
He said the Government has already started the process of identifying and giving responsible positions to the officers in the administration who have impeccable credentials.
Referring to the development of tourism sector, the Chief Minister said the State is a known tourist place throughout the world.
In order to develop J-K as a high-end tourist destination, “we have a specific plan for addressing the tourism concerns of all the three regions of the State”.
Mufti Sayeed said his Government has plans to make Jammu an independent tourist destination by developing several areas like Patnitop, Bhaderwah, Kud, Batote and construction of Sarthal-Bani road etc.
He said all lands other than those given to the security forces on the basis of lease, licenses and acquisition in which due process of law has not been followed, shall be returned to the rightful owners.
“Except in a situation where retaining the lands is absolutely imperative in view of specific security requirement,” he said.
Sayeed said in any case, monetary remuneration, be it in the form of rents or compensation, will be made fairly at market rates.
He said his Government will provide greater autonomy to institutions like State Accountability Commission and the State Vigilance Commission to bring in proactive, accountable and transparent government.
He said his government will explore the possibility of working out modalities for transferring the Dulhasti and Uri Hydro Power Projects to the State.
The Chief Minister said the Rangarajan Committee and the Round Table Committee Reports recommendations will be implemented for making Jammu and Kashmir self-reliant in the power sector.
He said the State will also request the Union government for allocating a dedicated coal mine in Madhya Pradesh to J-K with coal reserves of not less than 150 MMT for setting up a pit-head thermal plant with equity support from Centre.
Mufti expressed concern over slow pace of work on four-laning of National Highway.
“It is very painful to see that we have not been able to provide hassle free and all weather national highway between Jammu and Srinagar even so many decades of independence,” he said.
“A light rain or snowfall closes the road for days together. This government shall put four-laning of National Highway on highest priority,” he said and added that construction of tunnel on Mughal Road shall also be taken up on priority.
The Chief Minister also stated that a dedicated rail link between Jammu and Srinagar and other parts of the state will be taken up with the Centre.
“The Kashmir Valley is yet to be connected with the rest of the country by means of a railway track. The pace of work on the rail connectivity on the stretch between Katra and Banihal needs to be geared up by so that this cheap mode of transport is offered to the people of the state.”
Mufti Sayeed said the Delimitation Commission has been barred by an Act of Legislature till 2026.
He said the Government would have very transparent and effective transfer policy under which the officers will be transferred only after three years except for exceptional circumstances. The officers will be made accountable, he added.
The Chief Minister said his Government proposed to bring an amendment in the State Accountability Commission (SAC) Act under which tenure of its members will be increased from three years to five years.