Most sacred of all cultures, coalition culture occupies vital significance, especially when political ideologies and regional aspirations vary and don’t coincide with each other. In such situations, acceptance and adherance to the common minimum programme becomes a compulsion for both the parties.Obviously, the coalition formed in the State, due to indecisive verdict in elections, is unique in many respects. The State is faced with numerous problems like corruption, unemployment, and poverty, and the people are expecting both the parties (PDP-BJP) not to indulge in any controversial issues and instead focus entirely on development of the masses. Since a coalition Government can exist only on faith and good will of the parties concerned, any deviation from the coalition norms (Dharma) obviously disturbs the entire phenomenon of peace and tranquility and undermines the objectives for which such coalitions come into existence. Thanks to the framers of the constitution who had kept a provision for such type of Govts, in the event of fractured verdict in the elections.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)