124 schools across J&K have nil students: Minister

JAMMU : Jammu and Kashmir Minister for Education Naeem Akhtar today said 124 schools have zero per cent students across the state.
“There are 50 schools with zero per cent students in Jammu Province while in Kashmir Division, 74 schools have zero per cent students,”Mr Akhtar said in a reply in the Legislative Council here.
The Minister was replying to a question asked by the National Conference MLC Shahnaz Ganai in the House seeking details from the government on recruitment of teachers in schools having less number of the faculty as compared to the students vis-à-vis the schools with more teachers than the students. The MLC claimed the figures are very alarming and in most of the schools, there are only teachers but not even a single student attending the classes.
“The fast track recruitment is in progress and we are rationalizing the process,” the Minister In-charge Education further replied.
On a reply regarding district-wise details of the upgradation of Primary, Middle and High Schools in the state during the last two years, the Minister replied, “during the last two years, 27 schools have been upgraded from Primary to Upper Primary level under SSA and classes in all these have started.” “In the current year, 40 schools have been upgraded but classes are yet to start. The criteria adopted for upgradation, as per the SSA norms,” Mr Akhtar said. He further said under RMSA, while there has been no upgradation in last two years, in 2014-15, 110 schools have been upgraded from Middle schools to High schools but classes have not been made functional.
He said 800 schools (468 Middle schools and 332 High schools) have been upgraded under state plan without an approval and concurrence from the Planning and Finance Departments for creation of 5720 number of posts with financial implication of Rs 243.8 crore per annum.
“At present there are 95 Government Degree Colleges functional in the state, out of which 23 were sanctioned during the last five years,” replied the Minister. (AGENCIES)