Oppn takes dig at budget, blames FM for pushing State to capitalism

Avtar Bhat

JAMMU, Mar 23: Ruling alliance and Opposition continued attacks and counter attacks on each other during the debate on annual budget for 2015-2016 presented in the State Assembly by Finance Minister Haseeb Drabu yesterday.
Former Finance Minister and veteran NC leader Mohammed Shafi Uri turned tables on the coalition for deciding to outsource the Toll Plaza at Lakhanpur and said this way the Government was pushing the State to Capitalism. He wanted to know from Dr Drabu that was he going to outsource his entire Finance Ministry.
He said Finance Minister should have informed the House about the increase in tax revenue and target by outsourcing before deciding the outsourcing of toll plaza.
Ridiculing the claims of Finance Minister that the Government has lost dignity during the last six years, he said Mr Drabu was Economic Advisor to Government from 2002 to 2008 and he should say what dignity the Government had at that time which was eroded by previous Government.
He said Mr Drabu has also talked about debt restructuring and he should inform the House what initiative he took from 2002 to 2008 when he was economic advisor to then State Government in this regard which we changed in last six years and he was going to restore now.
Mr Uri said the Finance Minister should give the background of six years of his tenure as Economic Advisor which we changed.
While welcoming the flood relief, he said the relief given by this Government in budget is nothing more than the package of Rs 44000 cr which was already submitted by previous coalition to Centre.
The NC MLA also demanded that entire KCC loans be waived off instead of 50 percent.
Participating on the budget in the Assembly , the Congress Legislature Party Leader , Rigzin Jora said that when an economist takes over as the Finance Minister of the State and when he has one of the sharpest brains in the bureaucracy in his team one expected some big bang announcement. Instead it was all whimper. There was no bang for the buck or bang in the buck, said Jora. Instead it was all about repackaging of the old scheme with flourish.
Jora pointed out that budget is not a statement of accounts of receipts and expenditure, it is a life transforming exercise given the right direction and right intention. Unfortunately, he pointed out, this budget is a routine exercise in accounting and nothing more.
Jora said much is being said about cooperative federalism and fiscal federalism as if this is some body’ s gift to this nation and the State. He pointed out fiscal federalism is the corner – stone of fiscal governance as enshrined in the constitution. Equally, there is lot of hype about the devolution under the 14th Finance Commission award. He reminded the House that how Maneka Gandhi was lamenting drastic slashing of allocation in her Ministry.
Jora argued that the budget has nothing concrete for the relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the flood affected families. He said mere creation of a Relief and Rehabilitation Department is not enough. What happened to the proposal of Rs 44000 crores which the previous Government had sent he asked. He asked the Finance Minister where the PM Modi’s promise of liberal funding has gone.
Making a scathing attack on opposition National Conference (NC) while participating in budget discussions today, PDP MLA from Baramulla Javed Hassan Baig said the Party converted the Plebiscite Front into NC in 1975 for the sake of power. “Contrary to the expectations that Party would get a huge package for the State at that time you compromised everything for power”, he added.
Lambasting the NC for finding fault in functioning of coalition, he said you surrendered crores of rupees under PMGSY and appealed the Finance Minister to bring a white paper on funds surrendered by previous alliance and financial irregularities made during six years of its rule so that the people know about the facts.
Criticizing the Congress MLA Aijaz Khan for saying that the Finance Minister has not made any mention in his budget about the administrative units, Baig reminded him that Government’s run in continuity. He said after the natural flood last year the previous coalition flooded this State with administrative units without making a ground work that where from the funds will come for the same. This way a mess was created on the name of new administrative units as alone in one block of his Constituency three Panchayats were created, he added.
He said these administrative units were created without financial clearance as you were fully knowing that it will put the next Government into problems and lead to crisis.
Castigating Opposition for terming Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of BJP-PDP, Baig said Mr Modi is the Prime Minister of entire nation and opposition should know it.
BJP MLA from Chhamb, Krishan Lal wanted to know where the Rs 22 crore sanctioned for the construction of road from Jourian to Pallanwala have gone as the road is still in dilapidated condition. He said as per reports the PRO of then Deputy Chief Minister, was the contractor of the said work. Moreover he has also ordered the upgradation of educational institutions which have been upgraded on books and not on ground, he added.
He said the people of his Constituency are in miserable condition. From one side they face the fury of mighty Chenab and from another side Pakistan threat due to which people face numerous problems. There is no provision for treatment of patients at SDH Akhnoor who are referred to Jammu. He said when Government could not provide facilities why the hospital was constructed.
Congress MLA, G M Saroori wanted to know what steps the Government is going to take to implement its policies. He said till situation will not improve on ground the State has to go with a begging bowl to Centre.
Saroori said 1500 houses have been damaged during rains and floods and there is no mention about the same in the budget. You are promising 50 percent waiver on KCC loans but not a single percent will be waived off.
Warning against outsourcing of Lakhanpur Toll Plaza, he said Government should keep Article 370 in view while outsourcing the Toll Plaza. There is also no mention of five medical colleges sanctioned by former Union Health Minster, Ghulam Nabi Azad for the State. He said smart cities you have talked but what about the rural people.
His party colleague Aijaz Ahmed Khan while finding fault with the budget wanted to know what happened to political agenda of BJP and PDP. He said 90 percent families suffered due to flood disaster last year and when the government talks about relief there is no alternative except seeking the Rs 44000 crore package from Centre which was submitted by previous government.
He said thousands kanals of land was washed away by floods and farmers were not given the crop compensation. Besides, crop was destroyed by floods last year and this year too by heavy rains but no provision has been kept in budget for compensation.
He said the high density plants were started by previous government but how the production will be enhanced by this Government is a big question?.
He said there is no provision for enhancing honorarium of Anganwari workers in the budget. Moreover there is no scheme for animal husbandry and health sector.
BJP’s Rajesh Gupta while hailing the budget however regretted that there should be a time frame for construction of Tawi lake which we have been hearing will be constructed since the childhood.
He also demanded that budgetary provisions be kept for the Mubarak Mandi heritage centre. Rajesh Gupta welcomed the budget and said that Government has made honest effort to provide succour to all sections of the society. He described the steps including DA to employees as welcome one. He said that ample scope has been reflected under tourism sector which is a good step and praised the Government for pro women and pro girl child initiatives.
He suggested for enhancement of funds under Constituency Development Fund (CDF) from Rs.1.50 Cr to 2.00 Cr.
Jeevan Lal, while initiating the discussion highlighted the initiatives proposed in the budget and said that maiden budget of the PDP-BJP Government is best ever and is aimed at fulfilling the aspirations of all sections of the society. He said the welfare measures for the poor, women, promoting the girl child and overall policy to generate the revenue are appreciable and would yield the desired results in improving the GDP growth.
Anjum Fazili appreciated the budget proposals and said that Government has honestly tried to accommodate all stakeholders. She said many welfare measures for the empowerment of the women folk and promoting girl child are revolutionary initiatives, which would go a long way in improving the conditions of women.
Dina Nath Bhagat appreciated the budget and said that Government has made honest effort to provide succour to all sections of the society. He described the steps like DA to employees, promoting girl child, waiving off loans to Kissan Credit holders and developing smart cities as pro people measures. He also praised the Union Government for providing substantial funds for the rehabilitation of flood victims.
Qamar Hussain took a dig at the previous government for creating a financial mess. He said the previous government failed in dealing with the flood situation and did not take appropriate measures to provide relief to the people. He hailed the budget proposal of the present government and said that Finance Minister has presented a balanced budget which takes care of all categories of people, besides boosting state’s economy.
Mohammad Yousuf Bhat thanked the Finance Minister and said that budget presented by the Minister is people friendly. He said assistance to Kissan Credit Card holders is a good step but he suggested that the provision for relaxation of Rs. one lakh may be enhanced to Rs.4 lakh.
He said women empowerment, promoting girl child and introduction of AASRA scheme is a good step.
Mian Altaf Ahmad also took part in budget discussion and suggested for enhancement of CDF. He appreciated the government for providing budget provisions under Social Welfare Sector. He said introducing of National Benefit Scheme is a welcome step but requested the Government that easy system of issuing income certificates should be adopted.