Govt to revoke AFSPA after taking Army on board: Mufti

*Coalition committed for settlement of PoK refugees

Gopal Sharma

Excelsior RakeshJAMMU, Mar 23: Going little soft on the issue of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Chief Minister Mufti Mohmmed Sayeed today said that his Government will go for revocation of AFSPA in phased manner after consulting the Army Commanders as they have expressed their apprehensions over it.
While replying to the Motion of Thanks to the Governor’s address in the Upper House of the J&K Legislature today, Mufti Sayeed said that he cannot scrap AFSPA, which gives immunity from prosecution to the armed forces, in “one go” but assured that it will be removed in a phased manner.
“Some areas where situation has improved will be de-notified from Disturbed Areas Act. By gradual process, I can’t do it in one go… But I will do it,” the Chief Minister maintained.
“Some Army Commanders are apprehensive over this move. They will be taken on-board over the decision. I will do it with their (Army’s) consultation and after taking them on board,” Mufti Sayeed said.
The Chief Minister said, “I want to say that they have apprehensions over revocation of AFSPA. I will not suddenly jump into it. We will see how can we find out a way after a well thought on it”.
“As far as AFSPA is concerned, I have been Union Minister and Chief Minister of J&K. The Unified Command is accountable to us. There are all senior officers of various security forces including Corps Commanders, they are accountable to us,” Mufti said.
Mr Sayeed further said that there has been a lot of debate over removal of AFSPA and there is a need to relook at it. “Our Government advocates a phase-wise removal of AFSPA from the areas which have now been free of militancy for quite some time,” he added.
Referring to incidents at Chatergam and Machhil where the Centre took stern action against security personnel, the Chief Minister said that his Government is committed to take measures and examine the need to review the special laws being applied to the State.
“Prime Minister initiated a probe and impressed upon the Army to accept that two youth killed in Chatergam were innocent,” he said.
Referring to the issue of political prisoners in the State and the perception in media about the exact numbers, the Chief Minister said there are only 37 detainees under PSA. Among them, 20 are foreign nationals, while only 17 detained under PSA are locals, he informed.
The Chief Minister launched attack on the previous Coalition Government for not holding BDC and Local Bodies elections and maintained that State suffered as the Centre did not release huge funds for the Local Bodies specially and Jammu and Srinagar Municipal Corporations as the process of bringing reforms also remained incomplete. It is unfortunate that even the dates for the BDC elections were announced and then the decision was withdrawn. “I fail to understand what fear prevented them (NC-Cong) to held elections,” Mufti maintained.
Referring to the demand on 73rd and 74th Amendments, Mufti said there is need to amend own Act and he also intends to send a delegation from J&K to other States to study their Panchayat system and reforms brought in and he would introduce the best Panchayati Raj system in the State.
On the issue of refugees, the Chief Minister said Congress and National Conference kept them engaged for long and did not resolve the issue. At the fag end of their tenure, they just passed on Rs 9000 crore comprehensive package for the settlement of PoK refugees. He said that his Government would work out one time settlement of PoK refugees in consultation with alliance partners. For this he would send a delegation led by DyCM Dr Nirmal Singh to Delhi to take it with Central Government.
“Hum Talne Wali Baat Nahi Karenge, ….but would work on it seriously,” Mr Sayeed maintained.
But on the issue of West Pak refugees, the Chief Minister said that they have already mentioned it in the CMP and coalition Government would provide jobs to the wards of these refugees in private sector. He said in USA or some other countries where a child is born he/ she becomes citizen of that country but it is not the case in this part. It is their genuine problem but why it was allowed to be delayed by other Governments, even by `those’ who had 3/4th majority in the House. They should have done it. Whether it was Prime Minister or Chief Minister in the State, powers were same. It would have no impact on Article 370. This is very sensitive issue and for this a consensus is needed to be developed. The Government will provide whatever is possible to improve their (WPRs) life style and provide jobs to their wards in private sector, he added.
Justifying his decision to join hands with BJP, Mufti Sayeed said that he honoured the people’s verdict and moreover it is in the State’s interest to partner with a strong Centre to put J&K on the path of peace and development. The people of Kashmir gave mandate to PDP and those from Jammu region to BJP. ” We took this decision in the interests of the people of Ladakh, Kashmir and Jammu and keep these all the three regions united. We have to keep alive the identity of Kashmir, Ladakh and Jammu and he personally feels that if these regions are united then State will be united with the rest of the country and its relations would be strengthened with the Centre,” Mufti maintained.
While giving credit to the Election Commission of India and the State Administration for the fair and smooth elections in the State, Mufti said that such high turnout in the recently held polls depicts increasing faith of the people of Kashmir in the democracy. People gave vote with strong determination for seeking change. Their mandate should have been respected. He said NC and Congress had offered him support but he joined hand with the strongest party in the country to whom people of this great country gave massive mandate. And if development in the State is to be ensured, the support of strong Government at the Centre is must, he maintained.
Referring to the situation along borders Mufti said that he would work for ensuring peace along borders and farming activity up to the last point at the border. He said from 2002 to 2010, situation was peaceful along borders but after that there has been rise in incidents of firing. For this there is need to improve relations with Pak and he would request the Union Government to initiate peace and reconciliation process. He also supported the internal dialogue process by involving Hurriyat, Pakistan and other stakeholders in the dialogue process.
Mufti said the new Government has been given a rare opportunity by the people to provide a transparent and responsive government in collaboration with the strong NDA Government at the Centre. “Our Common Minimum Programme is in the public domain. We will fulfill wishes and aspirations of all the people, for which we need an enabling atmosphere that promotes peace in the region,” he added.
The Chief Minister stated that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a massive mandate to rule India and we have formed an alliance with his party to script a new era of development and good governance in the State. “This is not a fractured mandate but a verdict to integrate Kashmir with Jammu and Ladakh and connect J&K with the rest of the country,” the Chief Minister said and added that the new Government will facilitate and initiate a sustained and meaningful dialogue with all the stakeholders in the State.
Urging India to take a lead in engaging all SAARC countries, including Pakistan, in the dialogue process to usher in a new era of reconciliation, the Chief Minister said the PDP-BJP Government in J&K has the legitimacy it requires to fulfill the wishes and aspirations of the people who voted with great hope and expectations.
Describing former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee as a great statesman who seized the opportunity in Kashmir to extend a hand of friendship to Pakistan, Mufti said New Delhi has to take a lead out of its vision by writing a new chapter with its western neighbour, which is the only bottleneck in ending perpetual conflict in the region that has denied the people the rich dividends of peace. “We can change friends but not neighbours,” he said and called upon Pakistan to reciprocate to the positive steps that the Government of India has taken to bring peace in the region,” he added.
The Chief Minister stated that all lands other than those given to the security forces on the basis of lease, licenses and acquisition in which due process of law has not been followed, shall be returned to the rightful owners, except in a situation where retaining the lands is absolutely imperative in view of specific security requirement. He said in any case, monetary remuneration, be it in the form of rents or compensation, will be made fairly at market rates.
Flagging the issue of rehabilitation and compensation to the victims of 2014 flood fury, the Chief Minister said he will send a delegation headed by the Finance Minister to talk to New Delhi for expediting a special package for rehabilitation and compensation of the flood victims. He said all affected people, especially small-time businessmen who had no insurance cover, as well as destitutes, will be provided relief.
The Chief Minister lauded Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah for introducing the concept of Single Line Administration which was replicated by the former Chief Minister of Karnataka, R K Hegde.
Mufti said his Government will provide greater autonomy to institutions like State Accountability Commission and the State Vigilance Commission to bring in an accountable and transparent Government. He said he will also explore the possibility of giving security of tenure to those heading the Commissions.
The Chief Minister said his Government will explore the possibility of working out modalities for transferring the Dulhasti and Uri Hydro Power Projects to J&K State. He also laid stress on the significance of better connectivity including roads and railways in the State. He also spoke at length about developing the Horticulture & Power sectors as these are directly linked with growth of economy in the State.
Earlier, speaking on the Motion of Thanks, Naresh Kumar Gupta from Congress said, “Principally we agree on certain points mentioned in the address”. He said mention of AFSPA, West Pakistani Refuges and Good Governance is in the address and assured full support for implementation of good governance in the State. Suggesting the Government to make Accountability Commission and State Vigilance Commission fully functional, he said justice will be ensured once there is accountability at every level of administration.
Demanding bringing timber distribution under the ambit of Public Services Guarantee Act, Gupta said this will improve the system further. Regarding setting of mega cities, Greater Jammu and Greater Srinagar, he suggested that setting of housing colonies at District and Tehsil headquarters will ease pressure on Jammu and Srinagar cities.
Jugal Kishore Sharma, while taking part in the discussion said that certain points are missing in the address on which BJP fought elections. He said establishing AIIMS in Valley and IIT at Jammu, Greater Jammu and Greater Srinagar are not based on equality, suggesting that AIIMS should be established in Jammu.
Regarding tourists facilities, Jugal Kishore said that need is to create tourists facilities at Baltal in Sonamarg which can be used by Amarnathji devotees as well as by the tourists.
Ajay Sadhotra, while speaking on the subject said that BJP-PDP coalition has tried to reproduce the Common Minimum Programme (CMP). He said there is no mention of West Pakistan Refugees and de-limitation on which BJP got votes from the people, adding the party has surrendered before the PDP. He said Government should not issue such statements which can encourage the people on that side of the border.
Mr Sadhotra said his Government had prepared a project of Rs 44000 crore for rehabilitation of flood affected families and Rs 25 lakh as one time settlement of West Pakistan Refugees but nothing has been mentioned about this in the document.