Making villages self sufficient

On the  face of it, it seems that making all villages in India self sufficient is a tall order. Nearly six decades after independence most of our villages are awfully deficient in basic needs and requirements such as irrigation facilities, all weather roads, proper drainage, safe drinking water, fuel, electricity, education, sanitation and health care. Although a lot of State and Central money is supposed to have been pumped into rural welfare schemes, the results have not kept pace with promises and performance. The first and foremost measure in this direction is the revival and reactivating the village panchayats on truly non  partisan and fully representative lines. Most of the development works that pertain to social welfare and economic well being of the village, should be handled by the Panchayat and all its acts of commission and ommission should be evaluated by an independent  and impartial body.
Politicising of any kind should be kept at bay. If possible the villages should have their own court comprising members from all communities to dispense justice and settle disputes. Besides the State and Central Govts contributing their share and discharging responsibilities in providing the primary and principle requirements of village, the villages should make  best possible use of the facilities under the changing pattern as envisaged in the new Panchayat Raj Act.  Keeping in view the availability of inputs locally, they should harness every opportunity to economic advantage, provided the infrastructural facilities like roads, markets, transport etc are available.
Yours etc…
A K Razdan
Lale Da Bagh,  Jammu