
Thursday Mar 26-2015  

Aries : Love and business will thrive today. Expect profits and loans to come through. If you’re in love, look forward to a mushy evening, where you will pour your heart out to your beloved. What more do you want from a day?

Taurus : There is a calculative and analytical day ahead of you, says Ganesha. You may find yourself controlling the direction in which things flow. Keep a check on resentment to avoid going into an emotional tizzy. Hopefully, predicts Ganesha, you may end up spending a lot of time trying to find solutions to pending problems.

Gemini : Your physical appearance is a matter of concern for you, and today, you will decide to pamper yourself with a massage or even a change of style. Your social standing will also get a boost. You will be in the limelight because of your ability to come up with fantastic ideas.

Cancer : You have a gift. You come across as a very approachable and dependable person. It’s this attribute that makes people want to work with you and trust you, says Ganesha. But today is another day, and you may want a break from helping people fight their daily battles and spending some quality time with your family members. You may even plan a trip with your family members.

Leo : You will want some change in your daily surroundings, and this will manifest in the form of shopping for new clothes or home renovation projects and the like. You may also modify your daily routine. You need to take a closer look at your personal relationships today, says Ganesha.

Virgo : All you barons of business should expect a profitable and progressive day today. Financial institutes will sanction your loans. But also make sure to pay due interest to the love interest in your life, for without their love and support, there is nothing much of interest in life, is there?

Libra : Today promises to be a joy ride for your hidden corpulent side. Relish what you eat, as today you shall take a keen interest in the same. Career wise, you may find yourself standing at crossroads. But the good part about that is there are many paths to choose from. The latter half of the day promises to bring some monetary gain. It may be something that you have been looking forward to help enhance your future prospects. Whatever it is, it’s sure heading your way!

Scorpio : Today is that day when you make a fine show of your commitment to work and dedication to family. At work, the right job has landed on the right table – yours. At home, cement your place as the quintessential family man, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You are inclined to be overprotective of your personal belongings. Sensational love affairs are plotting to hold you ransom. All the work you have been pushing off to do later will be completed reasonably on time. Ganesha sees a rather hopeful day in store for you.

Capricorn : It’s a day of great expectations! You will expect a lot from people around you, even yourself, and the result may not be as expected, foresees Ganesha. The need for careful planning and smart execution of ideas will be pressing, and this should explain why you’ll be thrifty in dealing with money matters later in the day. But while playing a miser will do you some good on the financial front, it will mar your reputation among friends.

Aquarius : Metaphysics and philosophy have aroused your interest. Instead of spending a huge amount on books on these subjects, Ganesha suggests that you keep a balanced approach and practice spiritual discipline. It’s also high time you changed your dietary habits.

Pisces : You will be full of energy and enthusiasm today, a fact which owes nothing to the revitalising pills you have added to your diet. You will have a great time making new acquaintances and splurging on someone you think is special, and this too should probably not have anything to do with aforementioned pills. If it does, however, you ought to be wary of starting new ‘projects’, says Ganesha.