Fresh death warrant for MQM worker

KARACHI, Mar 25:  A Pakistani court has reissued death warrants against a MQM party worker, whose execution was stayed for 72 hours last Wednesday.
He will now be executed on April 1.
Saulat Mirza was to be hanged in Machh jail of Baluchistan province on March 19th for target killings. But the night before his hanging, he, in a video from jail, accused party chief Altaf Hussain and other senior members of ordering murders after which his execution was stayed for 72 hours.
Mirza has been on the death sentence since 1999 for the killings of then Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) Chief Shahid Hamid, his guard and driver in 1998.
An Anti-Terrorism court (ATC) in Karachi set up April 1 for his execution yesterday. (PTI)