Poor performance

There were many expectations for India from London Olympics. The expectations were there because Indian sportsmen had generated much hope after they showed a sterling performance in Commonwealth Games.
Now, as the days passby, these hopes are wafting in air as the Team India’s performance has remained lacklustre so far. There were great disappointments in archery, shooting and badminton. Though there was some consolation in terms of Vijay Kumar,  Gagan Narang   and Saina Nehwal  creating history by winning silver and bronze medals of their respective games.
But over all performance so far is not commendable. This only brings to fore that India has not evolved as a force to reckon with in sports field. India should emulate China  in this regard, and see how they have emerged on the top leaving behind formidable contenders like America, Russia, Japan and other countries.
The India sports authorities need to once again focus on the weak areas, and make a comprehensive policy in this  manner.
Yours etc…..
Sudheer Sharma