Bring out white paper on JK’s finances since ’96: Omar to govt

JAMMU :  With the State Government planning to bring out a white paper, former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said the document should assess the financial position of the state since 1996 and not only for the previous NC-led rule.
“When did we oppose bringing out white paper (on state’s finances)? Let them come out with a white paper. If they have to bring out the white paper, let them bring it out on the state’s financial situation since 1996,” Omar told reporters here.
“Why should there be a white paper on six years period only? He (Drabu) should also bring out the white paper when he (Drabu) was financial advisor to the state government, as chairman of J&K Bank and before that since 1996.
Omar called for bringing out the white paper on the state’s finances since 1996.
“They should bring out white paper on the finances of the state since 1996. Everything will be revealed,” he said.
“We do not have any objection to it even if he wants to bring out the white paper on six-year period of governance, let him bring.”
While replying to the discussion on state budget, state Finance Minister Haseeb Drabu had yesterday said the government will come up with a white paper on its performance.
“We will also come up with what has gone wrong in the past and where vis-a-vis fiscal management,” he told Assembly here yesterday.
Drabu had said that the government would restore fiscal autonomy of the state. He added that the government was bringing out a white paper on financial position of the state to understand as to what led to Rs 9,000 crores worth liabilities and not to indulge in any blame game.
“The white paper will also suggest a way forward and restore fiscal autonomy in the state,” he added. (AGENCIES)