Revive Sanskrit language

Sanskrit is one of the ancient languages belonging to a group dubbed as Indo-European languages. It’s an irony that Sanskrit is no longer a spoken language in India, the country of its origin, even though it is the mother of many languages now spoken around the country like Hindi and Bengali. This language has a very vast significance but now-a-days it is a dead language.
This language is now in peril and is in disdain. It is a sacred language and if one wants to understand Hindu religious scriptures, the only language available is Sanskrit.  It is the duty and responsibility of the every Hindu to make their children understand the significance of this sacred language. Steps  have to be taken by the Government to make Sanskrit language mandatory at the primary school level.  This Sanskrit language will lose its credence if the Government will not take any initiative in this regard.
Yours etc….
Vivek Koul
32, Bank Colony
Gole Gujral Jammu