Insensitivity towards national issues

The country whose constituents remain perfectly vigilant and pro-actively keen for sacrifice for others who are needy and under privileged, find itself in a state of full preparedness to meet the invisible challenges that crop up at the spur of moment. But it appears that country is not in a satisfactory state of that kind of alertness rather not fully mobilized up to encounter the prevailing crises. The recent example at hand is Anna’s struggle for eradication of corruption by virtue of potent Jan-Lokpal Bill, diverting itself on a political path under compelling circumstances. Their second attempt to create massive pressure on the Government and opposition could not gather needed momentum. It opened to a tepid response and subsequently got luke warm public support at a slow pace.
It will be no exaggeration to say that Indian masses still think that eradication of corruption by the high profile politicians, bureaucrats and business groups is the baby of Anna team and they are responsible for getting rid of this scourge from the polity and they want to see it happen from balcony of their comfort zones. It will be therefore a sad but realistic comment that we the people of India are not yet fully geared to fight corruption and steer the nation out of the turbulent waters and set it on course to prosperity and glory. There is wide spread semblance of despondency, passivity, dejection and insensitivity towards the national issues.
We therefore need to more  out of our comfort zone and contribute actively in every effort by anyone  to alleviate the crises being confronted by the country.
Yours etc….
P C Sharma
Trikuta Nagar