Popular State Budget

Annual Budget for 2015-16 presented in the State Assembly has evoked mixed reactions. Our  Finance Minister worked hard in preparing the budget and succeeded in  his endeavour while presenting it well in time. Being an expert economist, he has given a new direction to the State’s economy . He has mentioned several welfare measures in the budget that has to be taken into account by the people of the State. Mr Drabu has promised 50 per cent waiver on KCC loans which is a step in the right direction. Outsourcing of Lakhanpur Toll Plaza will work as death blow to those elements who were hand in glove in breeding corruption at the place. The long pended demand of State Govt employees and pensioners has been fulfilled within a short span of time by the present Govt. This long time demand and its fulfillment has boosted the morale of State Govt employees and pensioners. Welfare measures for the poor, women and promoting the girl child cannot be underestimated. The policy to generate revenue  is appreciable and would yield the desired results in improving the GDP growth.  Developing of smart cities in the State is a pro-people welfare measure which would go a long way in improving the conditions of the villagers living in the State of  Jammu and  Kashmir. Introducing National benefit scheme is a welcome step which the Finance Minister has outlined in the budget. While viewing the budget from all aspects it is a balanced budget which has taken care of all categories of people in the State.
Yours etc…
S N Raina