Maha Shakti Uma Devi

Pushker Nath Koul (Santosh)

Once King Janmejaya asked Muni Veyassa that when we say “Maha Shakti ” adoring whom is very essential, then why do we worship various gods ? What is the reason behind this and where is the abode of this Maha Shakti (Reference Shrimad Devi Baghwatta) On this Muni (sage) Veyassa narrated the powerful divinity of Maha Shakti to king Janmejaya with the answer that once the self conceited daityas (demons) the arrogant men waged war with the gods. Their war prolonged for 100 years. The gods utilized all their sophisticated devices to defeat the daityas and it looked then that the whole universe would extinct. The gods were undone to defeat the daityas. But suddenly the Maha Shakti blessed the gods and they succeeded to conquer the daityas who were either killed or forced to flee to Nether world(Pataal Loka). The gods were pleased to over -come the terror of the daityas(demons). But the gods were not familiar how they gained might all of a sudden and what was the source of this might that enabled them to defeat the daityas. They were all in suspense. The gods were not able to understand the greatness of Maha Shakti because of their delusion. Muni Veyassa explained to Janmejaya that the Para-Shakti ( the Maha Maya) decended in the guise of Yakhshani to help the gods. This Yakhshani was actually Maha Shakti,” Uma”, but the gods could not understand the bliss of Maha Shakti. Then the gods saw a dazzling light resembling the effulgence of thousands of Sun. The gods decided to approach the Yakhshani to enquire about her greatness. Muni Veyassa said that Lord Indra (devta of heaven) called Aagni Devta(god of fire) and asked him to enquire about the Yakhshani who she was? lord Aagni went to Yakhshani and the lord Aagni dared to say Yakhshani that the power to burn the whole world vests in him. At this the Yakhshani put straw before the Aagni deva and asked him to burn the straw. Aagni devta engaged all his might to burn the straw but failed to burn it and returned dismay to gods. After this lord indra called lord Vayu (the god of air) and asked him to approach the Yakhshani and enquire about her who she was.
The Yakhshani on seeing the lord Vayu went near to him and asked him in humble way who he was? lord Vayu replied in a great pride that he is Matrishwa and people call me him as Vayu deva and all powers to hold the Universe vest in him. On hearing this the Yakhshani put the same straw before him and asked him to remove the straw as fast as he could. The Vayu deva put all his efforts to remove the straw but could not remove it a bit. Yakhshani told the Vayu deva to run away from her. Vayu deva took to his heels and narrated his failure to gods. The gods were helpless to understand all this and decided to request to lord Indra personally to approach the Yakhshani for information about the divinity of Yakhshani. lord Indra went with great pride to Yakhshani but no sooner did he reach the Yakhshani than she disappeared. Lord Indra was very disappointed and did not dare to return to the gods. Then Lord Indra surrendered to Maha shakti in the heart of hearts. There was a great sound in the air calling, O, Indra go for worship of Maya Beeja and meditate for Maha Shakti (Baghwaati), the Universal Power. On hearing the divine voice Lord Indra went into Samadhi with total submission to Maha Shakti.
One day in the Chaitra Massa (Month of Chaitra) Navmi (9th) Shukla Pakshya (full moon days) a dazzling light resembling the effulgence of thousand Suns emerged at the site of meditation of Lord Indra and in the middle of that light a very beautiful girl appeared having a Paash, Var, Ankusha and Abhya Mudra in Her hands,. This Maha Shakti was Uma Devi (The Universal Mother) Thuis Lord Indra had a vision of Maha Shakti, Uma Devi who appeared to him after his submission to Her. Uma Devi and Paarvati is one. It is revealed that Paarvati came as Uma and is called Aardhangini of Mahadeva also. Maha Shakti Uma had cherished Great Shiva as her Consort and went for deep meditation for thirteen thousand and one hundred years in a cool atmosphere to find Great Shiva as Her consort. Actuall Uma means enlightenment and if we do parsing of the word, then U and Maa, mean deep penance. Sage Nardha saw Aadhi Shakti as Uma Devi. Uma Devi is known by many names. She is Aadhi-Shakti, Brahmchairini, gouri, Kaalratri, Kushmunda and united as Maa Durga also. Lord Shiv narrated the Aamar Katha to Uma at Aamar Nath in Kashmir.
Indian Mythology believes in the importance of Taapa (deep penance) It is Taapa that Saint Wishwamitra found Maha Gaytree. It was Taapa that Brahma created the universe. It was Taapa that saint Kasheypa, transformed Saatisar Lake into a grant Valley of Kashmir. The Maha Shakti does every thing for blessing Her true Bakhtas (worshippers) To give Pashupaata Astra to Arjuna, Great Shiva appeared in the guise of a hunter and Paarwati as the prey. It is through hard worship that one can realize the Almighty.
Maha Shakti Uma Devi is known for Her deep worship to find Lord Shiva. There has been no such deep penance by any of the lords as done by Maha Shakti Uma. It is said that during Taapseya Uma consumed fallen Belpatra (a kind of fragrent leaves of a bushy tree in the forests) and later she quitted eating even the Bel Patraas and thus is called as “Aaparna too as referred in the hymn of Bhawani Sahasranama. The Great Shiv, Lord Veshu, Lord Brahma saw the whole universe in the foot nail of Maha Shakti and praised for Her Greatness.
It is said that Maha Shakti “Uma Devi” can from Himalaya with the help of her Yakhshani friend named as Bari who helped her to each a secluded place in the dense forests in the valley of Kashmir where she could meet Lord Shiva after Her deep meditation. This seculded place was situated in a thick Devdar forest area in South Kashmir near village Uttersoo. The place came to be knwon as Brariangan on the very name of Brari (Yakhshani) in Tehsil Shangas of District Anantnag in Kashmir. It is said that Lord Shiva appeared to Uma at this place and became one with her. At the place of Her meditation three kunda’s (springs) appeared in the shape of, Aumkara, representing the whole Universe. Because Maha Shakti Uma chanted Aum during her meditation to get Lord Shiva. In Kaliyuga (according to Indian Philosophy the present age is Kaliyuga having commenced after Shree Krishna Avtaara. This place (Brariangan) the abode of Maha Shakti Uma Devi was later on discovered by one Saint, namely shiva Ram serving as a revenue official at Village Brah near martand in Kashmir who was a staunch worshipper of Maha Shakti. He reached this place with the help of crow who led his way towards these three Holy Springs representing as Brahma, Veshnu and Rudhra. The Site of three Holy springs at Brariangan became a famous site of Pilgrimage for Kashmiri Pandits which later on invited the attention of all sages ,saints and worshippers of Uma Devi in and outside of Kashmir to visit this place for blessings.
There was great Shrine built by the Pandits and grand buildings stood for Yatris till 1990 but all the structures were devastated during Turmoil by unknown miscreants. However the Shrine has been under renovation now. Uma Jayanti is celebrated every year in the month of Chaitra Shuklapakhsha Navmi by the worshippers of Uma Devi here and there. It was on this very day also that lord Indra found Maha Shakti in the form of Uma Devi. It was on this very day that Maha Shakti Uma found lord Shiva at Brariangan (Kashmir) Again it was on this very day that Saint Shiva Ram Found Uma Devi at the same site of three Holy springs. Brariangan also known by Umanagri is a very sacred and spiritual place where worshippers get a great solace (Ananada.) Maha Shakti Uma has been very kind to all of Her believers and none of them return empty from Her door. This is a great Tirath Saathal in district Anantnag and none of the Saathals (sacred places) can reciprocate this real Tirath Saathana. Kashmir had the blessings of this Maha Shakti. No Accharya in India was complete as Aacharya without meditating the Shakti in Kashmir. Once great acharyas, saints, Munis worshipped in Kashmir to get blessings of Maha Shakti. Therefore the Kashmir was called as Resh wari (a land of Saints) in the earlier period.