PLSV launches off with IRNSS-1D navigation satellite

SRIHARIKAOTA : India’s workshorse launch vehicle PSLV-C27, carrying the 1,425 kg fourth navigation satellite
IRNSS-1D blasts off at 1719 hrs from the SHAR range this evening.

After a 59-and-a-half hour countdown, which began at 0549 hrs on Thursday morning, the 44-metre tall four-stage launch vehicle, lifted off from the Second Launch Pad at 1719 hrs.
It was an awesome sight as the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, in its 29th flight, zoomed into the skies, leaving behind a trail of smoke and with a trembling sound that shook the earth.
A galaxy of Scientists, led by ISRO Chief A S Kiran Kumar, his predecessor Dr K Radhakrishnan, were watching the course of the flight from the Mission Control Centre at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre here with bated breadth. This was the first launch mission for Mr Kiran kumar, who assumed office as ISRO Chief in January this year. (AGENCIES)