Roadmap for college education in State

Prof Sham Lal Gupta
Roadmap in the absence of proper vision and mission end into nothing. Hence, the vision and mission of the concerned authorities should be very clear about what actually they want to accomplish from the given roadmap. There is no dearth of visionaries in the state yet the Department of Higher Education could never come out with a proper vision document with clear direction and achievable targets. In fact, every vision document has to address the aspirations of different stakeholders. Similarly, the roadmap for higher education is an effort to define the main objectives and aspirations to be achieved and addressed to by the system. The author is making an attempt to bring to the notice of authorities as well as other stakeholders about some of the issues and concerns to be kept in mind while framing policies to ensure quality and meaningful education to our future generation. This roadmap is being suggested to shape the future generations and transform the society.
Teaching-learning process is undergoing a dramatic shift with the introduction of modern high-tech methods of imparting knowledge. In the colleges of J&K, by and large the focus is on conventional methods of teaching and learning. This practice of conventional methods is creating a digital as well as knowledge gap. There is very scanty use of ICT enabled teaching-learning in the colleges. In most of the colleges, particularly, those operating from make-shift arrangement computer labs either do not exist or they are ill-equipped. Urban colleges have comparatively better computer labs being managed by well qualified and experienced staff. This creates a digital divide and hence the students studying in educationally backward areas are denied of quality education. Therefore, unless these colleges shift to their own permanent structures with well laid down infrastructure, an enabling environment cannot be created for imparting ICT aided teaching-learning. Every college should have one common computer lab with download facility accessible both to the faculty as well as students. Students are to be encouraged to make use of PPT presentations. It is pertinent to mention here that the very purpose of establishing Government degree colleges in Educationally Backward Areas gets defeated when the system fails to provide quality infrastructure and quality faculty to the students of these inaccessible regions of the state.
It has been seen that the infrastructure available in most of degree colleges is not fully utilized. Normally Government degree colleges remain occupied from 9:00 Am – 3:00 Pm. Huge infrastructure could be optimally utilized after the normal working hours of the colleges. Colleges may start various short-term Add-on/ value Added Certificate/Diploma courses on self-financing basis as per the market need. For example, courses on Spoken English, improving writing skills, multi-tasking skills, Personality Development, Soft-skills, Basic computer course, creative writing, web Designing, learning foreign languages etc. Classes for various competitive exams, such as IAS/KAS, Banking Entrance Exams etc. can be started after the normal college working hours. This will help students to have access to various Add-on-courses on subsidized fee and save them from being exploited by private institutions charging exorbitant rates. The Department of hr. education needs to identify such self-financing need based courses and issue necessary directions to all the colleges which have huge infrastructure for being used optimally after the college hours. Colleges can use this opportunity to create extra source of funds by starting such need based short-term courses.
Research activities are of paramount significance for both the teachers as well as students. Colleges in J&K state, have not been able to create research culture due to the lack of basic infrastructure required to promote research as well as due to the lack of concern shown by the govt. towards the same. The department of higher education has to come out with a policy to promote research culture in the colleges by providing seed money and special leave to the teachers to encourage them to take up research.
Some of the colleges could be designated as lead colleges to provide leadership to the newly created Baby Colleges in terms of organizing Faculty Improvement Programmes, Orientation-cum-sensitization Programmes and organizing conferences, workshops, seminars etc. Previous Government has declared two colleges each in both the divisions as lead colleges but none of these colleges could emerge as a lead institution in any sense. Urban institutions will have to share a greater responsibility of introducing innovations for continuous upgradation of the Hr. edu. in J&K. In this regard, colleges having undergone the process of Accreditation/ Re-Accreditation by NAAC could mentor and provide leadership to rest of the colleges in the state.
Awareness regarding imparting quality education is of paramount importance, National Assessment & Accreditation council, Bangalore (NAAC) is facilitating all the institutions of higher learning all over the country to get themselves assessed and benchmark quality parameters. There is an urgent need for the state Government to make NAAC accreditation mandatory. But before making this process mandatory, the department of higher education should initiate awareness programmes among the colleges of both the divisions about quality concerns in higher education. We need to vigorously follow such awareness campaigns in a mission mode. It may be placed on record that out of 95 Government Degree colleges, 72 are due either for 1st  cycle, 2nd cycle or 3rd cycle of accreditation. Our state should take a lead by way of giving a proper support system to all the eligible colleges so that the quality education can be provided to our students at their doorsteps. NAAC Accreditation is a panacea for all the issues and challenges faced by our higher education system. In order to encourage more number of Government colleges for undergoing the process of accreditation, the department of higher education needs to become pro-active and show serious concern by way of facilitating these institutions to enrich their infrastructure and manpower. All the stakeholders’ viz. students, teachers, education administrators society, parents, alumni, etc. will have to join hands to achieve noteworthy ranks for all the colleges of the state to bring  academic excellence in higher education.
Universities established in both the divisions of the state can play a very significant role in strengthening the academic culture in the colleges. A proper coordination between the colleges and the universities is of great importance. Invariably a large communication gap seem to have been observed between the universities and the colleges which have caused incalculable damage to the academics of the colleges. While framing policies, universities hardly bother to take the opinion of the colleges. Colleges have always been taken for granted by the university authorities. There is an age old mind set that universities are the think tanks and colleges have to play a subordinate role by complying the orders and directions of the universities. For proper coordination between colleges and universities it is suggested that a coordination committee be constituted consisting of some college principals and education administrators from the universities of both the divisions. Reforms and policy issues regarding higher education can be debated threadbare so as to avoid any communication gap between policy making and its implementation. There is hardly any scope for being egotist when it comes to academics and man-making process on the one hand and producing meaningful human resource on the other. Universities have been given the mandate of maintaining the academic standards and introducing various innovations for continuous upgradation of higher education system. Universities are the highest centers of learning and research. In the pursuit of innovative teaching-learning and promoting research activities colleges are very important stakeholders. Without the active participation of colleges, universities cannot achieve academic excellence. After all, 90% of the university functioning is about the colleges and their academic growth. Our universities cannot become the centers of excellence without their involvement. I seek the intervention of the vice chancellors of both the universities as well as the Deptt. of higher education to utilize the services of some of the college principals and other senior faculty in the capacities of academic administrators such as controller Examinations, Director Physical Education, Director Students welfare, Director Staff Training college etc. etc. Strengthening of relations between universities and colleges can usher in an era of academic excellence in the state of J&K.
There are many more initiatives including Examination Reforms, framing proper admission policy, policies to attract meritorious students and faculty from rest of the country and retain them to perform and produce results. Much will depend upon the seriousness of the present Government and their commitment towards the noble cause of quality education. Great institutions are not known by the infrastructure and faculty alone. They are known by the kind of products they produce in the shape of human resources who are capable of shaping the society through their intellect, skills, knowledge and confidence. Let our college engage themselves in the task of producing highly knowledgeable and competent human beings with positive outlook full of confidence to transform the society.
(The author is former Director Colleges J&K Government)