Flood declared in Kashmir 21 people buried alive in Budgam


Fayaz Bukhari

Budgam : Twenty one people were buried alive in Budgam after a slide hit a house during night.

Major rescue operation has been launched by army and police.

Superitendent of Police Budgam,  Fayaz Ahmad Lone told Excelsior that 10 people were buried alive in village Ledhan Budgam. “10 people were buried alive in village Ledhan when the house in which three families had taken shelter during night was hit by a slide. We have launched rescue operation”, he said.

A local resident Mushtaq Ahmad of Ladhan told Excelsior: “Three families with 21 people were in a house in Ladhan village and during the night a slide hit it burying all them alive. Army reached the spot early in the morning and now police has also arrived. They have launched rescue operation.”

In the meantime government has declared floods in Kashmir after water level crossed 18 feet mark in Srinagar this morning.

Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Farooq Ahmad Lone told Excelsior:

“The level of river Jhelum crossed the danger mark of 18 feet at 3 a.m. today. We declared floods and water level is rising it has now reached 19 feet in Srinagar. We have declared flood alert and asked people living in flood prone areas to move to safer places. We have established relief and rescue camps