Boundry talks

The NDA Government under Mr Narendra Modi deserves all appreciation on the stand on the diplomatic front especially with its old giant neighbour China and engage that Government in talking the contagious boundary issue over the table. Recently a high power delegation  from China  visited  New Delhi and held varied talks with the national security advisor,  Ajit Dovel as also with the Prime Minister. This was 18th round of talks and the process shall go further with the scheduled visit to China by  PM Modi  in  May this year.The  threads were picked up from where  the same were left on the eve of the  Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to India last year. It is very important to have lasting peace on the Indo – Chinese border for progress and economic development. China has well understood the role which India as a comparative giant fast developing country is to play in international politics. We can expect some good results and can talk in the future over the unauthorizedly gifted our territory in occupied Kashmir by Pakistan to China.
Yours etc……..
Som Raj
Garota Thathi, Jammu