Discussion on private member’s resolution remains inconclusive

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 1: Though the Government opposed the private member’s resolution that Ramban district particularly Banihal Constituency be declared as most backward area so that special funds/ grants could be provided for its overall development, the discussion on the same remained inconclusive due to paucity of time.
The resolution was moved by Congress MLA from Banihal Vikar Rasool and an amendment to it was brought by MLA Langate Er Rashid. Er Rashid through his amendment wanted that the words “Ramban” district appearing between the words “that” and “particularly” be substituted by the words”, Kupwara and Ramban districts”.
However the resolution was opposed by Minister of Social Welfare and Forests Bali Bhagat.
Speaking in support of the resolution Vikar Rasool said that he does not demand backward area certificate for the people of his Constituency as the same ahs been declared already. But the area has been neglected in developmental field, education and infrastructure. The people in Banihal are facing hardships and some areas of the Constituency remain cut off for four months completely.
He said people san basic facilities of roads, schools and health care and sometimes patients die in the way while being shifted to hospital as there is no proper road network.
He said some middle schools in the area are functioning with one teacher while some high schools have only two teachers. Some members say that Kashmir has been ignored and others say Jammu but it is really the Ramban district which has been ignored Rasool added.
He, while strongly advocating for the resolution said that he was hopeful that the Government will not oppose it and the members of the House who too belong to rural areas will vote for the resolution, he added
Rasool said last time he got the area declared as bad pocket and got some funds for the development under that scheme but this Government closed the scheme. The Government was talking of smart cities but it ignored the people living in far flung areas.
Pointing towards the Minister, he said he has also represented the Ramban Constituency in the House and “I hope that after pressing the resolution all rural area members will vote in its favour”.
Moving the amendment to the resolution Engineer Rashid said that Kupwara be also included in it as it has been totally ignored in developmental field.
He said that train comes directly from Lakhanpur to Baramulla while Kupwara is ignored. Besides, Kupwara has also been ignored in other developmental fields like Medical College and Engineering College. Being a remote and border area Kupwara sans proper connectivity, he added.
Engineer Rashid appealed all the members across their party lines to support the resolution.
Ch Qamar Hussian, MLA Rajouri said that twin border districts of Rajouri and Poonch have also been ignored. There is no higher secondary school in a distance of 20 kms and people face drinking water problem.
Supporting the resolution Aijaz Khan of Congress demanded special focus be given on Ramban. He said the Government should not oppose the resolution but bring some amendments in it as the resolution reflects the peoples’ sentiments.
Shakti Parihar MLA Doda said that twin districts of Doda and Kishtwar are most backward and neglected. He said that Kuntwara in Inderwal Constituency of Kishtwar district is most backward area. There is no road connectivity and it has been neglected in education sector also. The primary and middle schools in far flung areas of twin districts of Kishtwar and Doda are closed. He demanded that a team be constituted for grant of backward status and the decision should not be confined to Ramban but Doda Kishtwar districts be also included.
MLA Ramnagar R S Pathania wanted to know what is the classification of most backward?. He said that his Constituency has also been neglected and if any area deserves to be declared as most backward that is his Constituency.
Farooq Ahmed Andrabi, MLA Dooru also demanded that his constituency which is also most backward and touches both Kishtwar and Banihal deserves attention.
However the opposition members raised objections saying that Speaker has made it a debate as resolution was particularly for Ramban district only.
This was turned down by Minister of Tribal Affairs and CAPD Ch Zulfkar who said  members have every right to speak on resolution.
As MLA Dooru continued to speak on the resolution, NC’s Devender Rana stood up raising a point of order. He said the resolution was for Ramban and Kupwara but the Speaker took it to Ladakh. Meantime Speaker adjourned the House as the time of business was over and the discussion on resolution remained inconclusive.