Rs 504 cr released by Centre under SSA: Pawan Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 1: Minister of State for Finance, Pawan Kumar Gupta informed the Legislative Council today that Union Human Resources Development (HRD) has released an amount of Rs. 504.34 crore against the approved estimates (Centre share) of Rs. 1090.96 crore as 1st installment of grant during 2014-15 for the implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in the State.
He was replying to a Calling Attention Notice by Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo with regard to non-payment of salaries/wages to the HR/Daily wagers/ReT/FMPHW working in the different Departments.
Regarding the balance funds (Centre Share) amounting to Rs. 586.62 crpre, the Minister said that the matter stands already taken up with the department of School Education  and Literacy, Union Ministry of HRD.
Mr. Gupta said the pending salary of ReTs/Teachers shall be disbursed when the funds are received from Union Ministry of HRD. He said the bills pending at treasuries worth Rs. 155.86 crore are being released shortly to give relief these ReTs.
The Minister said that the Finance Department has authorized 75% of the Budget estimates under the detailed head ‘Salaries’, ‘Wages’ and ‘Outsourcing of upkeep’ etc in the 1st week of April 2014. He said further 20% budgeted provision was released in the month of December 2014 while as the balance 5% and the revised estimates 2014-15 have been released on March 16, 2015 immediately after the approval budget committee.
Mr. Gupta said that Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, is providing Grant-in-Aid (GIA) to the Health Department of the State under Major Head 2211-CSS (Plan) to run the Family Welfare activities viz, Direction and Administration, Sub Centres Urban Family Welfare Centres, maintenance of Health and Family Welfare Centres and training of ANM/LHVs for training schools. He said since the inception of these schemes the funds are being released by the Union Government   in four installments. However, from 2013-14 only three installments are being released by the union Ministry, due to which the employees working under the Schemes “Sub-centres” and “Direction & Administration” have suffered for four months for wants of salary.
The Minister said that the Budget requirement projected by the department is Rs. 6200 lakh in 2013-14 out of which Rs. 5967.28 lakh grants have been approved by the Centre and Rs. 3677.44 Lakh grant in aid stands released. Similarly, Rs. 7300 lakh budget requirement by the department in 2014-15 in which Rs. 4453.52 lakh approved by Union Government  and Rs. 4285.71 lakh grant in aid has been  released.
The Minister said that the Health and Medical education Department is vigorously following the matter with the Central Government for release of funds to the scheme as per the actual requirements by the Family Welfare Department.