MLAs marshaled out, House adjourned after NC creates ruckus in Assembly

Excelsior Correspondent

Agitating MLAs being marshalled out of Legislative Assembly on Wednesday.  -Excelsior/Rakesh
Agitating MLAs being marshalled out of Legislative Assembly on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Apr 1: Main Opposition-National Conference today disrupted the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly for nearly one and half-hour over alleged discrimination with Kashmir valley in allotment of power sector funds by the PDP-BJP Coalition Government prompting the Speaker to marshal out some MLAs and adjourn the House.
As soon as the House started its business of the day, National Conference MLAs created a ruckus over the release of funds for the repair of damaged transformers and accused the PDP-BJP Coalition Government of adopting discriminatory policy towards the flood victims of Kashmir valley.
The National Conference was supported by independent MLA from Langate, Engineer Abdul Rashid, who along with three National Conference Members —Nazir Ahmed Gurezi, Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar and Altaf Ahmed Wani left their seats and moved near the Well of the House in protest against the discriminatory release of funds.
“Kashmir Ke Saath Insaf Karo”, “Kursi Ke Liye Kashmir Ko Mat Becho” and “PDP Walo Jawab Do” slogans from the agitating National Conference MLAs rented the House. They were countered by BJP MLAs-Ravinder Raina and B S Pathania, who shouted “Drame Bazi Bandh Karo Bandh Karo”. As Speaker’s repeated directions to the agitating NC MLAs and Engineer Rashid for resumption of seats failed to yield results, the Chair started the Question Hour.
After sometime, Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Basharat Bukhari assured the House that Deputy Chief Minister, who is also holding the portfolio of Power Development Department, would give a reply on the issue as soon as he joins the House proceedings. Even Speaker, Kavinder Gupta again tried to control the situation by assuring the Opposition members that he would let them take up the issue during Zero Hour and even ask the Government to respond on the issue. However, the Opposition continued with their protest.
Amidst protest, National Conference MLAs—Nazir Ahmed Gurezi, Altaf Ahmed Wani, Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar and Engineer Rashid entered the Well. Keeping in view the prevailing situation, Speaker issued directions for these Opposition members to be marshaled out of the House while adjourning the proceedings for 10 minutes.
On this, National Conference MLA from Nagrota, Devender Singh Rana remarked, “this is wrong. They (agitating MLAs) should have been heard instead of being marshaled out”. Interacting with media-persons outside Assembly, National Conference MLA, Nazir Ahmed Gurezi said, “the Government yesterday released an amount of Rs 3.5 crore for the repair of damaged power transformers in the State, out of which Rs 2.5 crore was released for Jammu and Rs 1 crore for Kashmir Valley”.
“Why this discrimination with the people of Kashmir, who have suffered more due to the incessant rains and floods. The power infrastructure in Kashmir valley has suffered more damages because of the floods”, he said while making it clear that they will not tolerate this discrimination with the people of Kashmir.
“The Speaker has muzzled our voice by not allowing us to raise our voice within the Assembly”, another National Conference MLA, Mubarak Gul told the media-persons, adding “we are not against Jammu region but want equal treatment for all the three regions of the State. While releasing the funds they should have known that Ladakh too has to be catered from within the funds released for Kashmir”.
Accusing the PDP of being a “sellout” to BJP for the sake of power, the NC member said after the formation of the Government PDP has forgotten the Kashmir valley. “They have forgotten the promises made to the people of Kashmir”, the NC Member said.
When the House re-assembled at 10.50 am, National Conference MLA Nazir Gurezi and Independent Member Engineer Rashid again entered the Well of the House. “You cannot stop us from raising the issue of discrimination by throwing us out”, Gurezi remarked.
Later, Speaker allowed Mr Gurezi to highlight the issue. “They (Government) always claim that it will bring an end to the discrimination but release of only Rs 1 crore for Kashmir valley is glaring example of injustice with the flood-hit people”, Mr Gurezi said, adding “we are not against any region but we want fair deal”.
On behalf of Deputy Chief Minister, Forest Minister, Bali Bhagat intervened and said, “the concern expressed by the MLAs is genuine and a serious issue”, adding “I assure that no discrimination with any region would be allowed and in second installment we will take care of this shortfall”.
But National Conference MLAs expressed dis-satisfaction over the reply and asked the Government to fix time-frame for release of more funds for Kashmir valley. On this, Speaker said, “let the Deputy Chief Minister come, he will give you specific reply”.
On this, NC MLA, Devender Singh Rana shouted: “Where is Deputy Chief Minister. During the last nearly one and half hour we are being told that Deputy Chief Minister will give statement. Where is he?  “This House is more important than any other engagement of Deputy Chief Minister”, he further said.
CPM MLA, Mohd Yousaf Tarigami said, “we are not against any region or sub-region. Let’s not give different color to the issue”, adding “we want sufficient funds for the Valley as due to floods huge number of transformers are defunct and need to be repaired”.
Forest Minister once again intervened and reiterated that there would not be any regional imbalance. “I assure that justice will be done to Valley”, he added. On the assurance of Forest Minister, protest from National Conference came to an end.
Defending the Government’s action, BJP member Ravinder Raina told media-persons outside the Assembly, “Because of heavy rainfall, the transformers in Jammu have suffered huge damage and in the wake of upcoming summer season they need immediate repair. I don’t think there is any discrimination in this”.
“The opposition members should have allowed proper functioning of the House and taken up the issue without disrupting the proceedings”, he said.