Junior engineers’ plea

I wish to seek the attention of the Minister of Power towards the junior engineer cadre of  Power Development Department.
The junior engineers have been  at the receiving end of all stakeholders of public essential services like power, water, roads be it public, politicians and even successive Govts. The overall history of this cadre shows how blatantly this cadre has witnessed erosion in terms of pay scales, stagnation and even basic needs like field travel allowance which is just paltry Rs 30 per month. Isn’t this a slap on the face of an engineer who works 24×7 in the field.
It is expected by each of the stakeholder that junior engineer should ensure reliable, pilferage free supply of electricity or for that matter other essential services. The biggest question is whether we as stakeholders have done justice to this cadre.
When it comes to resolving pay scale issues, the engineer is made to run from Administration to Finance Department and vice-versa. When an engineer is given Rs 30 per month as field travel allowance the biggest question is will he be encouraged to conduct regular inspections on feeders having length of nearly 10 kms on an average in urban areas and nearly 25 km and above in rural areas.  So in order to check pilferage, no doubt, technical improvements in network system are required but simultaneously vigil has to be increased. Within the meagre resources available with feeder manager i.e junior engineer, it is difficult to manage with a Field Travel Allowance of Rs 30.
The promotion prospects of young engineering cadre should be given impetus through transparent and unbiased approach irrspective of Degree or Diploma.
So, in the overall interest of all stakeholders, it is requested to the Minister of Power that promotion prospects and pay scale of junior engineers be reviewed  and necessary instructions be passed on to Administrative Department to take up matter with Finance Department for redressing the grievances and further the Revision of Field Travel Allowance from Rs 30 per month to at least 3000 per month on immediate basis. This step shall certainly motivate this cadre which stands  as backbone of this essential service.
Yours etc…
Sachin Tickoo
on e-mail.