
Sunday Apr 05-2015

Aries : Today, you may just want to delve deep into yourself. You realise the importance of polishing the mirror of your soul and Ganesha approves. Spontaneity is important too, and spending time with children is an excellent way to keep in touch with it.

Taurus : This is a great day for students and scholars, declares Ganesha. If you are pursuing higher studies or professional courses you will feel pleased and confident about the progress you are making. Do not, however, expect the atmosphere, or the arrangements to be the way you expect them to be. Be prepared for ordinary sub standard studying conditions. Stay cool. Be practical and take things in your stride.

Gemini : You may meet with stiff resistance in all your efforts. You should not let it bother you; just keep moving forward. This will help you maintain a good rapport with your bosses. You are likely to taste success in your interim objectives. Your sweet-talk will turn someone into your sweetheart.

Cancer : The day proceeds lazily. But your work will pick up pace later in the day. Ganesha cautions about your health. As chance of stomach upset is likely, be careful of what you eat or drink. Do not neglect any ailment and contact doctor promptly.

Leo : The day may start off on a sour note. You will want to accomplish a lot of things, however, you will not achieve desired results. The later half of the day is better suited for all your work-related pursuits, and you will be able to make much better progress, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Reap and harvest the good things in your life. You may seem to arrive at your wits’ end today. Ganesha predicts that you will probably sort all of it when you sit down with your better half and discuss the issues at hand.

Libra : Work is always unrelenting and today, it manages to catch up with you in a big way. Expect to be under some pressure to meet deadlines, says Ganesha. But all it takes is to remain level-headed and shrewd in your ways, and you can turn things around to make it a prosperous and flourishing day.

Scorpio : Being gregarious may just catch your fancy today, says Ganesha. At work, you will remain fussy about assignments and deadlines. Socially, whom you choose to be with will decide who you are, suggests Ganesha. Evening will be spent in the pleasant company of loved ones.

Sagittarius : You are on a high today, professionally and personally. You have a good convincing power and you will be using it to the optimum level. Seek advice of experienced and seniors for better implementation of ideas on professional front, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Don’t be surprised if you are suddenly showered with attention at work. Ganesha says it’s your lucky day today, for you will leave no room for complacency and rewards for this may come by way of special treatment from your colleagues and even your boss. Seniors, who may have bullied you and taken you for a ride in the past, will admire your efforts and potential to achieve great things.

Aquarius : Your creativity will come to the fore today. Music will give an outlet to your emotions and creativity, says Ganesha. You will aim for the bull’s eye, and to everyone’s surprise, you’ll hit it, too. The day is expected to go well; however, some unforeseen events in the evenings may spoil your mood, and may even create some confusion.

Pisces : Today is a day devoted to matters of the hearth as well as your heart. So, while you will probably be busy during the day keeping tabs on the refurbishments you have planned for your residence, the evening should probably see you in a romantic setting murmuring sweet nothings to your soul mate, says Ganesha.