inner voice

She is thrown
When she is born
She is never treated with kind
Because she is a girl child
She is made to sit at home
Barred in a dark room alone
Where she cried without a reason
Like a little sparrow in a prison
Which wants to fly in the wild?
But is never allowed to do so
Because she is a girl child
She is tortured
She is blamed
She is considered a burden
For a reason uncertain
She is never given her right
Because she is a girl child
First she’s a daughter
Wants to give love to her parents
Then she’s a wife
Who wants to give love to her family
The she’s a mother
Who loves her children
But when she is alone
There is no one to love her
She is considered a rotten fruit
Whom everyone hates
Whom everyone wants to throw
She has to bear
If she wants’ to survive
Because she’s a girl child
Biraj Gupta

Wished for happiness,
But always bestowed with worries,
Friends faded away;
Provide me the strength,
I prayed.
That was a luckless hour
I was poorly dethroned
And lost my power
Laid my head at bestrayer’s door,
He exploited me, more and more
Once I was sweet as primrose
With innocence, wrong people, I chose.
All my goodness fled away
My life hasted to swift decay
But time altered
I gathered myself which was earlier scattered
Again I was ambitious of the town
I was the successor of the ultimate crown
I flourished again
And wither’d away, other’s blame
With heavy heart, I resisted those friends
Who used to be my well wishers,
They’d pretend.
Shifali Sharma
B.Com P-2
GCW, Parade

I want to be very very clear,
Candid and precise,
Do not strive to capture
My heart,
The one I have already,
Bartered with my Lord,
For you are not
Fit to be appended with
Your beauty is rot,
Your night is dark,
Your life is short,
You have nothing to allot
Only my Lord
Has such a paradise
To award
To his slaves, His lovers,
A paradise of unequitable,
Unthinkable and unimaginable
Pleasure and comfort
So keep away
And let me sleep
A slumber, sounder and sweater
In the warm lap
Of my lord.
Ashiq Hussain Rather

Lo, the spring has come
Smile on face with playful fun
Air is full of genteel breeze
There is no chill no freeze
Spring is a welcome season
Gentle winds blow with a reason
Lush green fields take birth
Here and there mirth follows mirth
Rivers were silent flow in torrents
Foam and froth float upon currents
Animals graze in lush green fields
Farmers in arms plough they wield
Trees are dressed in ornaments new
Charma of spring spot only few
Velvetty grass with no smear or blot
Sitting on banks people feel gloat
In trees buds afresh arise and sprout
In their whorls look bright and stout
Spring renews promises with life
Verily vanishes the drabs of life
In spring we revive and bloom
Like dancing peahen in its plume
Tensions get burried hopes high up
To regain what we could not fill up
In the gone year that was dreary
Kept rolling by the people fiery
Now have a promise to grow and prosper
With renewed hope spring to deliver
So sing the birds and sky larks soar
In ecstasy hop doing dometic chore
With no grievance with the gone year
Spring hopes rebirth so why to fear
Bushan Malmohi