Our Assembly proceedings

Today we are witnessing gross indiscipline in the State Assembly in transaction of business. The members who represent people of the State in the Assembly have every right to voice the burning issues with which people  are confronted in general and by their Assembly constituency in particular. The Speaker is a custodian of the House and maintains the decoburn of the house in all situations. Both ruling party and members in the Opposition have to adhere to the  norms and  rules set by the Speaker while carrying the House. But today we are at a loss to understand where magnonimity on the part of our worthy legislators have gone. Have they not downgraded the highest seat of power where peoples fate get decided?
It has become a routine that normal business is disrupted. Rucks takes place in the House. Members from both the sides exchange heated arguments at high pitch. They are raising allegations and counter allegations against each others regime. Even unparliamentary language is being often used in the House by our worthy members. The  imporant bills and their passage get delayed or postponed. Even the day to day proceedings in the house are stopped because of the disruptions in the House. It is a sad state of affairs that our elected representatives behave in a manner that is contemptuous. It is  better to play a constenctive role by the opposition than to criticise.  People are watching and are better to judge in the matter. Let a good sense prevails among them for manning the house in a better way in times ahead.
Yours etc…
S N Raina