Old age homes and oldies

Innumerable physical and mental infirmities and ailments, the oldies generally get inflicted with, make evenings of their life hell-like. It is very astonishing and unjust that the children always expect and demand a lion  share of property, the parents possess, but most of the time, leaving the exceptions aside, they feel uncomfortable and unwilling to look after them. Obviously, these unfortunates, are made to seek the way for such homes, where atleast they can pass the remaining days of life without-dishonour and disrespect from their beloved children for whom they not only sweated in scorching heat but also had left no stone unturned to bring them up and enable them to stand on their feet. The episode of  Sarvan Kumara who had joyfully carried his old blind parents  on shoulders to various places of pilgrimage, has also lost its relevance in the existing scenario of moral and ethical degradation.  Perhaps, this is the reason that the old people carry no repentence in saying that had they died before this stage of life. It is joint responsibility of the family and the society to take utmost care and extend all such facilities they need. Indeed, they stand lost all fragrance of young age, yet, humanity demands tender and sympathetic services towards them, in the autumn of their life.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)