PDP-BJP Coalition is strong: Mufti

 * Mughal Road being opened by ending April 

Gopal Sharma

Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed speaking in Legislative Council on Friday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed speaking in Legislative Council on Friday.

JAMMU, Apr 10: While demonstrating his resolve that ‘Coalition’ was strong and intends to deliver to public, Chief Minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed today said that he was not in favour of ‘Israeli type’ clusters for the displaced Kashmiri Pandit community in Kashmir.
Opposing separate townships for the Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley, the Chief Minister said that his Government was committed for the dignified return of the displaced community but he will never support raising “Israeli-type” separate clusters for their settlement in Kashmir.
Speaking in the Upper House of the State Legislature today, Mr Sayeed said that Coalition was strong and it will work in coordination with the alliance partner according to its Common Minimum Programme.
Terming this Coalition Government as beginning of a new journey and new union, the Chief Minister said, “ These are not the bonds woven by loose threads but that of strong threads. It is strong and our agenda is well prepared.”
“It is a word of caution for those who are speaking against the Coalition and airing misleading words. The Coalition is strong enough and will work effectively to minimize the miseries of the people of this State,” Mr Sayeed maintained.
Referring to the return of Kashmiri Pandit community to Valley, the Chief Minister said that he was not in favour of the separate clusters like that the Israel has set up. “Neither we will make that clusters (separate townships), nor they (Kashmiri Pandits) have desired to live in there,” Chief Minister said.
“During my previous tenure in 2003, we set up camps for them in Sheikhpura, Anantnag and other places. Many members of the community said that they cannot live separately. We will bring this community back and integrate them with other communities. The secular character is the true strength of Indian democracy and we want to demonstrate it. Only that garden looks most beautiful which has variety of flowers and we believe in this philosophy,” Mr Sayeed added.
While giving figures, the Chief Minister said that total of 7,247 Kashmiri Pandits are still living in Kashmir. “Anantnag has 638 Kashmiri Pandits, Ganderbal 151, Pulwama 390 and Budgam 870. They are also not living in separate clusters,” he said.
“It is our mission that if we want to save our composite culture, it will be our utmost endeavour to bring them back to Kashmir. We will have to make conducive atmosphere for it. It will not be possible by hue and cry raised over the issue but to work to strengthen the relations,” the Chief Minister added.
Pertinent to mention here that ruling alliance partners (PDP and BJP) expressed different views on composite townships for settlement of Kashmiri Pandits with Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday making it clear that the Centre was going ahead with its plan for composite townships for KPs while the Mufti Mohd Sayeed is voicing his opposition to such a proposal.
While taking a dig at those raising hue and cry over the issue of settlement of Kashmiri Pandits, Mr Sayeed said, “ This hue and cry, I do not know why they are making it. Kashmiri Pandits cannot live separately.”
Referring to the prevailing situation in the State, he said, “ When we say that we have to bring out Jammu and Kashmir from an environment of uncertainty, it is a big mission. We will bring J&K out of that situation.”
“I am happy that the Prime Minister of India has said it (PDP, BJP coming together) is not just an alliance but an alliance with a different objective. But a contradiction was triggered. We have to ensure that Jammu meets with Kashmir and bring them closure. I pray that together we will bring J&K out of this uncertainty and turmoil,” he said.
While seeking cooperation from the opposition parties to drive out J&K of the uncertainty, Mr Sayeed said, “The role of the opposition is to oppose, dispose and expose. This State has some special situation in view of the situation through which the State has passed. I want to make it clear that whatever is my agenda, it is not to run my party but the entire State.”
“I want to be inclusive. We have to bring the State out of this situation of uncertainty. We need the cooperation of opposition including NC and Congress,” Mr Sayeed maintained.
“Whenever we talk about Common Minimum Programme of the alliance, we will take into account all the stakeholders which will include mainstream political parties and others also. It is my intention,” Mufti added.
He said that his Government would work for rehabilitation of all the flood-hit people of Jammu and Kashmir and it would not be based on religious lines. He said the floods have not only hit Kashmir but Jammu also. The people are making a hue and cry about floods in Kashmir only. There has been a lot of damage in Chenab valley and Rajouri – Poonch areas.
“I want to make it clear. I have discussed rehabilitation programme with regard to flood-hit victims with the Prime Minister and we have kept everything in mind particularly the Chenab Valley region and power projects in Baglihar. They have also faced problems,” he said.
Mufti said, “When we undertake rehabilitation of flood-hit people it should not give an impression of being Kashmir-centric but that of the Jammu region also.”
Dismissing the allegations of regional bias in setting up of AIIMS in Kashmir, the Chief Minister said AIIMS was allocated to Kashmir and IIT and IIM to Jammu based on our agenda for coalition partners”.
“If you can go to Chandigarh to avail Medical facilities what is the hurdle in going to Srinagar to seek treatment at AIIMS as the flight takes hardly 30 minutes. If IIT and IIM are set up in Jammu what is the problem for students of any region or districts to come here and take admissions in it and study,” he said.
Mr Sayeed said, “They will be all our children who will take admission in these institutions, whichever regions they belong. We should not play divisive politics.”
Commenting on the repeated closure of Jammu-Srinagar National Highway, Mr Sayeed said that due to frequent closure of the highway mostly because of rain and land slides, the people suffer badly. The highway in Ramban and Banihal stretch has become more problematic. “ We have asked for making Mughal Road as alternative highway between Jammu and Kashmir. I have given strict instructions that it should be reopened by the last week of April.”
“I had also called Northern Command chief and State Minister concerned and asked to work together to ensure that highway is clear of snow by the end of April and made trafficable,” Mr Sayeed maintained.