Idol inscriptions

Ayodhya Nath Kerni

The stone has been used by primitive man to depict his emotions and beliefs in the form of art. The stone art engravings cover petroglyphs, epigraphs and inscriptions generally found over large boulders and important points like surfaces of rocks etc. Inscriptions on a trident and on a silver plate placed below Shiva idols at Sudhmahadev Shiva temple do stand as testimony to culture, civilization and religious lore of all climes. The script of both the inscriptions is different. The other inscription on the copper plate base of Shiva lingums at Mandir Dushalla remains undeciphered so far. One more inscription on a big boulder at Venisangh in the open on the bank of stream Devika is also existing since old days. All these locations are held under tehsil Chenani of district Udhampur in Jammu region.
In thepast, the names of villages were often based on the names of majority clans living therein. The examples are quoted in Pantajali’s Mahabhashya as Kambauj, Gandhar, Kashmir, Ang, Bang, Chol etc. So is a village known as Rangi located on the way back to Chenani from Sudhmahadev at a distance of 5Km. The village was named Rangi after Rangyal Ranas who had been living there. There were tiny jagirs consisting of two or three small villages. Similarly there was another jagir near Mantalai called as ‘Lainsu’ ruled by a Megh ruler. A majority of Rana population lived on the other side of Shivgarh mountain presently falling under Doda district. They used to cross the mountain and enter the Mantalai area. They would run away with the cattle during summer season. They were also alleged of looting in the area. They had gradually established their jagir at village Rangi as the area was ideal for human settlement being fertile and productive. They constructed their residence on the top of village Rangi(Bani) in a ground measuring two kanals and seven marlas which was covered by a boundry wall of stones. The administrative control of adjoining area was also under taken by them. It is known from the chequered history of Duggar that area remained under the influence of Ranas before inception of Chandel dynasty kings who ruled Chenani for fifty two generations. According to Desh Bandhu Dogra Nutan many tribes entered Duggar region at different times and left their ever lasting influence over the language, art, culture and civilization. They were Munda tribes, Nagas, Dravidians, Khash, Tonk, Gujjar, Turk and Khokhars etc. They were assimilated in the different castes during the course of time and some of them left the area.
A water reservoir was also constructed by Ranas. There is a bauli available about 500mtrs below that point. Another bauli at a distance 25 mts at 4 o’ clock line is also existing. All these baulis are having plenty of water which is used for irrigation even today by the villagers for growing vegetables. A Kucha room is existing in the centre of ground even today which has received repairs from time to time by the present Rana families. Some of the chiseled stones of those days have been reutilized for its walls. The ravaged remains of boundary walls remind the glory of old days. The stone carved idols of lord Shiva, Ganesha and Mahakali are placed inside. Tridents are kept near the idols one of which is claimed to have been existing since the times their ancestor came there.
Ranas of village Rangi worship Baba Bhardwar as kuldevta basically being NagDevta They had erected a small stone temple near the Bauli for Baba Bhardwar during early days which got ruined afterwards. The square type stone idol of Baba Bhardwar remained in the open. Recently a platform having the size of 20’X12′ have been constructed. An idol of Nag devta having two images on a single stone containing a square hole was also installed in the open. The idols are installed in a row with the sequence two carved equestrian statues, Nag Devta, Mahakali Pindi, Ganesh Idol and Baba Bahardwar.
The duo Nagdevta idols on a single stone contain inscriptions in one line on the top. No where else such inscriptions are found on any idol in this area. The idols of Nagdevta are embedded in the ground. Recently a crack are developed on the idol because of remaining in the open. The legend about the idol is that a saint was carrying this idol by putting a stick in the existing hole and placed here for a while to take some rest near the bauli but could not lift it again as the weight of stone became very heavy. It is believed that this point was dedicated to Baba Bhardwar and Nagdevta liked to stay with Baba. The legend appears to be contrary to the theme of the inscriptions. Some scholars claim to have deciphered the inscriptions which denote that some Amitdhar named person has installed the idol long back. The stone used for this idol and other idols placed in Kucha room are of same quality. It is assumed that idol of Nagdevta was not a consequence of an incident but willingly installed for worship probably by the ancestors of Ranas. Some people of other villages call this duo idol a pose of lord Shiva and Parvati but Ranas call Nagdevta. The idol is believed to be existing for more than two thousand years.
Then ruler of Mantalai had a profound hatred for Ranas. He approached Prince Beer Chand of Bilaspur (HP) for help to defeat Ranas. Beer Chand sent his younger brother Gambir Chand along with few army men to render assistance to the ruler of Mantalai. A massive attack was launched against Ranas. Most of them were killed, houses were burnt and many migrated to other places. Incidentally a lady who along with her sons had gone to her parental house, survived. Gambir Chand established his kingdom initially at Mantalai and later on shifted to Chenani. The rule of Chenani kings is believed to have started some time during eighth century AD. To seek the clemency and forgiveness for the sin of brutal killings of Ranas, Chenani kings decided to call back the Ranas. Whereabouts of the descendants of the lady stated above were traced and Ramdhan named Rana was called back to village Rangi. He was allotted 3200 kanals of cultivable land and other facilities to settle. Presently Rana families of village Rangi belong to same lineage.
Epigraphic study by the scholars if carried out regarding various inscriptions would be of great help to throw light on the pristine past of Duggar villages. Archaeological evidences need be collected by exploring excavations where needed. Important points like site of kacha room Rangi(Bani) if surveyed may be proved to be useful to gather archaeological vestiges.